15. An Enemy

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⚠️ WARNING THIS CHAPTER IS GORY. You've been warned.

Silas POV

I wake up the next day to an empty bed. I go to the bathroom and notice her tooth brush hasn't moved. Usually Aurora has morning sickness and her tooth brush ends up in the sink by the time she's done. I throw on my clothes and head downstairs to my men tied up. My heart stops. I run over and start untying everyone and notice a blood trail on the floor.

"Where's Aurora!!!" I yell

"Boss...he took her. The bitches husband came for his revenge." Jordan can't keep eye contact with me.

"Get the rest of the crew. We're going in. You know the plan."

I head back up to my room and get 20 of my worst weapons. How DARE Allen think he'll get away with this. I'm coming for blood. I'm coming Aurora and Elle.


I wake up tied to chair with bright lights shining on me. My whole body hurts. I instantly panic remembering the attack on the house while Silas was asleep. I hope he woke up and is on his way to get me...my legs are covered in blood. Instantly I panic and look down at my stomach. Thank God I'm still pregnant. I feel her kick and know she's okay. I hear distant laughing and it gets closer. The door slams open and in walks a tall man with murder in his eyes. I hold my breath and he stalks up to me.

"You're awake!" He smirks

I nod.

"Aww. Cat got your tongue?"

"N-no sir."

"Sir?? This girl really knows how to behave."

"That she does."

I recognize the voice. My heart skips a beat. In walks...my dad.

"D-daddy!" I cry out. Trying to suck up and use the baby girl card so he will untie me.

"D-daddy, my ass" he spits

"W-What's happening? I want to go home! Please take me home!" I beg

"Now now, no need for begging. You'll be home soon enough. But not before Silas is punished for killing your sister." He smirks

"My-my sister?" I think back to yesterday. She looked familiar but with the blood all over her I didn't recognize her. I haven't seen her in 7 or 8 years..

"Ah yes. You didn't know that Silas not only MURDERED your sister but ALSO her unborn child. Your niece or nephew." Spits the tall man

"So you think that she'd want me to die too? She loved me. She wouldn't want this for me!" I defend myself.

"Ah but you see. She was my wife. But it seems like you are also carrying a child. Are you not?" He smiles at me

"N-no!." I yell.

"Oh but you are! Seems like you're getting close to deliver her!" He smiles again.
"Maybe she'll just have to come early. But don't worry. We'll send Silas the video of his daughter being born." He smirks.

He walks over to a big screen and clicks on a few buttons and before I knew it we were FaceTiming him.

"Hello?" Jordan says

The background is dark. I can only imagine that he's stalling so that Silas can get to me.

"Hello Jordan is Silas busy at the moment? We'd hate for him to miss the birth of his daughter." He spits

The phone rustles around and there is faint arguing and I see a small twinge of light but then it's black again and the sound is muffled. Silas's face appears on the screen and my body calms.

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