Marshmallows and Screams

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Willow's p.o.v
It is the last day of summer before I go to HIGHSCHOOL. I don't think it will be all that bad, I mean I have my 2 best friends Ethan Morgan and Benny Weir but they are class A nerds. I'm a bit of a nerd myself but not as bad as them. I've never told anyone this but I may have a tiny little crush on Benny, but I know it will never happen between us.

3rd person p.o.v

My phone starts to buzz and look who it is , Ethan. I answered the phone quickly.

"Hey Will, Benny said that he has a surprise for us, so come over to my house because I'm kinda terrified right now."

"Great sounds amazing (note my sarcasm). It can't be that bad, I hope. But I'll be over in five." She said. She threw on her leather jacket and rushed out of her house to Ethan's (she lives right beside Benny so it's like a 5 min walk).

When she got to Ethan's house she waltzed right in but she didn't see a certain geek. "Where's the other geek?" Willow asked him. "He said he would be here in t- minus 3 minutes", Ethan answered. After about a minute the other geek ran through the back door and slammed a crap load of candy onto Ethan's dining room table.

"Ethan and Willow meet my surprise", Benny said with the most childish grin. "Oh my lord did you rob a candy store?" Willow asked trying to keep laughter in. "Tomorrow we officially join the high school brotherhood", Benny announced, Willow made a fake coughing noise to get Benny's attention. "Umm and sisterhood". He added. Willow nodded.

Ethan and Benny then started to argue about how many marshmallows could fit into their mouths. Willow tuned out of this conversation and just started think about what it would be like to be Benny's girlfriend.
"Ethan did you hear that?" Jane Ethan's little sister says, walking towards the kitchen. Ethan didn't answer as he was trying to fit more marshmallows into his mouth. Jane walked into the kitchen to steal some candy since they were focused on fitting marshmallows into their mouths.

A few minutes later the 3 of them heard a loud scream from outside. Willow, Ethan, and Benny all looked at each other and ran to the front porch. As they reached the driveway the 3 saw Ethan's parents holding Jane in a tight embrace in the driveway.

"How was your date night?" Ethan asked nervously, while Willow and Benny were waving awkwardly at them.

A/N- this is my first chapter completed! Yay!
If you like it so far please vote for me.

452 words.

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