Help my babysitters a VAMPIRE!

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3rd person p.o.v

"Thanks again grandma, Benny told his grandma." Anytime deary". She replied to her grandson." You truly are a lifesaver".Willow said to her. "You will be to dear". Evelyn said back to the red head.

Willow glanced at Benny and shrugged because she didn't know what Benny's grandma meant. Willow walked away to where Jane and Ethan were.

"She is such a nice girl, don't ya think Benny". Evelyn said to Benny. "I can see why you like her". "Grandma! Be quiet she could hear you!. Benny yelled at his grandma.

"Alright then, if the pizza is not here in 26 minutes you do not pay ANYTHING". He said to her. "We will be right back Mrs. Weir". "Alright deary".

"What is all this crap B?"Willow asked Benny. "First of all not crap, second of all it is night vision cams and infared. Will you should know this your the one who knows supernatural things." Benny says to Willow." Correction, I read it because it's interesting, I don't believe in it". She remarked.

"Guys just keep it on the downlow." Ethan said. "Ok you said her reflection wasn't there, and Will said jokingly that she could be a vampire right?". Benny asked, "well here's something, what if this is just a prank for the stupid dusk movie?" .

"If this is a prank I KNEW IT ALL ALONG!" Benny yelled. "Shut up Benny!" Willow yelled at him. Benny just playfully glared at her.


"It's hopeless we lost her must.Have.Pizza...... Benny said grogily.

"Sarah's out here I can feel it", Ethan responded. "Well that helps a ton thanks Eth" Willow snapped. Ethan just glared at her. They walked into an alley which was making a lot of noise.

"Guys stop, there's something in there. Willow said to the geeks, pointing to a trash can that was moving." Night vision is now engaged Benny said grabbing his camera and looking through it. Benny's eyes went wide and his face went pale. "Benny what's the matter?!" Willow screamed at him. He was frozen so she took the night vision from him and looked to see what he saw.

Willow looked through the night vision and gasped because of fright. "Guys I think we should get the hell out of here" Willow said fear lacing her words. "Uh ya I agree with Will, we should leave, we should leave right now". Benny said urgently. Ethan finally saw what they were so scared about.

They saw Sarah about to eat a rat with glowing yellow eyes and fangs. Sarah hissed at them and that made them even more scared. The 3 started to scream so loud you could hear it from the other side of town. They started to run away from her afraid Sarah is going to kill them.

"I'm too young to die!!!!" Willow screamed, "Speak for yourself, skinny guys coming through: WARP NINE! Benny screamed.

"Remember halo? Level 3? Evasive maneuvers! Benny said to the geek and red head. "Alpha, phi, strike, Delta six engage!" Benny yelled while running into a plant pot right after and falling over.

"You missed the pattern guys......" Benny said in pain. "Sometimes I skim your emails" Ethan replied. "I don't read them at all" Willow said with a shrug. Willow helped Benny up before Sarah got in front of them.

"What is your problem!" she yelled. "If you ate us that would not be cool at all" Ethan said with fear, while Benny pushed Willow behind him protectively.

"If I wanted to eat you I would have done it by now" Sarah said shrugging. "See she's going to eat us! We're dead meat!" Benny yelled.

"No, no, no I just want to talk to you guys" Sarah pleaded. "Well if you want to talk, talk before one of the geeks go 'macho' on you", Willow said while rolling her eyes.

Ethan snapped a branch ignoring what Willow said. "Demon of the night be gone!" he yelled while making a cross with them. "That won't do anything" Willow muttered.

"Guys it's not what it looks like" she tried to say. "Sure... Not what it looks like, your a freaking vampire that sucks people's BLOOD!" Willow yelled stepping out in front of Benny. Benny saw and pushed her back even more.

"Okay so it does look like........ But-". "I'm warning you I had garlic bread for lunch and I'm not afraid to use my breath!", Benny yelled at her. "Gross" willow mumbled.

Sarah got annoyed with them. "Would you just shut up! I'm just a normal girl that got bit by her crummy ex boyfriend, she said."I'm guessing your talking bout Dorkula, Willow wondered. "Yes I did, and technically I'm still a fledgling until I drink human blood, which I don't want to do. Sarah replied.

"So this is some stupid dusk prank?" Benny asked, "I wish".

"Look I'll get you 3 home and hopefully have enough time to save Erica before anything bad happens".


"Finally! Your home!". Jane exclaimed when the 4 of them walked through the door. "Grandma passed out like 5 songs ago and she had zero boom boom pow! Can we please play now Sarah?" . The eight year old asked.

"Sorry Jane I have to go". Sarah replied sadly. She turned to the nerds, "Just be careful tonight and don't tell anyone about...... You know". "Well me and Will be fine, and nobody believes what Benny's says so we're good". Ethan told the brunette.

"I'm dead serious, and DO NOT let anyone in your house it's your safe haven." Got it, don't let any strangers in". Willow said giving a thumbs up.

"Hey Will can you come with me for a minute?" Sarah asked the carrot top. "Um ya sure Sarah". Following her to the other room towards the front door.

"So when you guys confronted me earlier I was looking at Benny, Sarah started to say." um why? " Willow asked.

"He was protecting you! The entire time, he kept pushing you behind him. He thought you were going to get hurt!" Sarah told the girl. "How do you know all of this hmm?!" Willow wondered.

"I could hear his heartbeat, it was so loud you could hear it for a mile!, he cared more for you if you got hurt rather than him". She added.

By this Willows face was as red as a tomato and she couldn't hold back her massive grin. "I'm pretty sure he likes you, if he does and asks you out I will help you out!" Sarah said excited. Willow just continued to stare at the floor and think "well I hope so" Willow said out loud.

Sarah just winked at the red head and walked out of the Morgan household. Willow walked back to he favorite geeks. "What was that about?" Benny asked her. "Hm what oh not much just girl talk, she said grinning like a mad man.

A/N; chapter 5 complete, I think I'm going to start another book so check it out. Vote on this story and share it with your friends!

1180 words.

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