A hybrid?!

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3rd person p.o.v

After Ethan, Willow and Benny got everything they needed they climbed into Benny's grandma car. "Are we sure we should let you drive, B?" Willow said very concerned for her safety.

"We will be fine, stop worrying carrot top". Benny said with a slight smirk. In response Willow only just glared at him.

"Alright stop your flirting and let's go save Sarah..... and Rory." Ethan told the two. Benny and Willow shared a smirk knowing what each other were thinking.

"What in the name of the Lord is this stuff back here?" Willow asked. "There from grandma's tanning bed. I saw her come out of there once.. Not a pretty sight". Willow and Ethan just looked disgusted.

"Hold up, this gives me an idea" Willow trailed off with a massive smirk, making the two geeks look at her scared a bit. "Remember when you dorks dressed up like jedi's?"


"Um excuse me miss" Ethan yelled out the window. "Do you have any idea on where this so called vampire party is?" Ethan said to Sarah.

"I'm acting crazy because I got bit, what's your lame excuse?" Sarah retorted. "Alright since we now actually have a legal driver" Willow directed at Benny, "she should drive".

"Thanks" Benny said to Willow while she was moving over. She didn't have a ton of space because of the tanning bed lights so she and Benny were squished together. Benny started to blush at how close they are.

"Are you okay B?" Willow asked noticing his red face. "Ummm yeah all good..." Benny trailed off. Ethan and Sarah both thought just kiss already.


When they pulled up to Jesse's House Sarah got out of the car and Willow was about to until Benny pulled her back.

"Alright you guys NEED to stay in the car" Sarah told them. "Nope, no way I'm-"."Stay in the car I'll be back with Erica and your blonde friend." "But we can he-" Ethan was interrupted by Sarah hissing at them, Willow rolled her eyes in response.

"Alright, got it". Benny said nervously. Sarah looked at Benny and Willow, "I mean I want to come and hel-" she tried finishing but Benny put his hand over her mouth, "I wanted to stay in here anyways" He said before glaring slightly at Willow.

A few minutes after Sarah left, Willow decided to do something. "Alright let's go help Sarah" she said grabbing a stake.

"But Sarah told us to stay here and the creepy vampire dudes are waiting for you to show up" Benny concluded. "I'm with Will on this Benny, let's go help Sarah". Ethan said like he was going on a quest.

A few minutes later Ethan, Willow and Benny found their selves behind some bushes in the backyard. "Ooh I wonder if they have pizza here" Benny exclaimed. "Come on, B, were supposed to be focused." Willow zoned out already knowing that they were going to start arguing.

When they were arguing all of them fell through the bushes in front of two vampires. They quickly got up and brushed off the dirt.

"Found these two vampire noobs, trying to listen to your conversation, your welcome by they way". Willow said slightly glaring at the two vampires.

"Well if you get tired of these vampire noobs come find me sexy" one of the vampires said with a wink. Walking away after.

"Really vampire NOOBS?" Benny asked the red head. "Yes, could you think of a better excuse." She said back. "Guys focus we need to find Rory and get outta here". Ethan said to the couple.

Benny started to get excited so he started jumping a bit. "Ooh let me guess, ants in your pants" Willow asked the brunette. "No, it's just were finally at a senior party!, I know there are creatures that can suck my blood dry but it's still a party" He explained. "Alright fine go dance or something". Willow said with an eye roll.

"I'm actually going to go find our friends". She said waking away. When she walked away she saw a girl and Rory come out of the closet with blood all over her mouth.

Willow turned to walk away but walked straight into an upperclassman vampire. "Hey you decided to show up". "Uh yeah" . "Oh look she is a little shy, scared baby" The vampire said pouting a bit. Willow got angry by this because she dosent liked to be called shy or scared.

"Listen her batty, Fun fact about me: I am not shy nor am I sacred of you, I could kill you in one shot" she said venom lacing every word. And with that she kneed him in the stomach pretty hard. Which made him stumble back.

"Alright that's it" He said flashing is eyes and fangs at Willow. He vamp sped over to Willow and knocked her out by hitting her on the head. The vampire then picked her up and brought her to where Jesse was.

"So the hybrid decided to show huh" Jesse said smirking when he saw the limp body in the vampires arms." yeah and she's a fighter too" he says lifting up his shirt seeing a bruise.

"Well let's just tie her to the chair and wait until she wakes up" Jesse said stroking her face.

Back to Ethan and Benny

"Hey guys!" Rory said smiling at the two geeks. "Look at this nasty hickey I got from this smokin hot lady" Rory said pulling his shirt down. "Ethan and Benny's eyes went wide when they saw bite marks on Rorys neck.

"Alright then let's get back to the car now" Benny said and started to walk away. "Not without Sarah.. wait where did Willow go?" Benny suddenly got very scared and started looking around like a crazy person.

Ethan turned around and looked through the window where he saw Sarah walking up steps with Jesse. "See look there's Sarah, we just need to find Willow." "Wait Benny, Ethan isn't that Willow in that chair" Rory said pointing to a window a few feet away from the stairs.

"Oh my god, Willow..." Benny said sadly. "C'mon let's go get them". Ethan said tugging Rory and Benny's shirts.


A/N- and finished! Hope you enjoyed. (And yes I know I am using a hybrid from TVD and the originals but it'll make sense later ;) )

1047 words

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