What am I wearing!?

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3rd person p.o.v

Willow and Erica were at the latters locker talking about picture day and how Erica and Sarah can't participate.

"I'm getting my hair done after school, do you wanna come?" Erica asked Sarah walking up behind her. "Why are you getting a makeover for the yearbook photos?vampires don't even show up on film." Sarah told them.

"Well everyone vampire but me." Willow said sheepishly. Erica only shot her a playful glare. "I know but this would have been my first hot year book photo." Erica whined. "The others were-" she trailed off. "Not the best photos of you." Sarah finished.

"I don't care if anyone else can see it, I know I looked good, what about you, don't you care?" The blonde asked Sarah.

"I don't know, I kinda wish I could just forget this whole year." Sarah answered. Then Ethan came up to them. "Hey Sarah a girl just asked me if she could trust me. What does that mean is it like a trap." He rambled.

"What does that mean." Sarah asked. "What do you mean?" He asked. "Sarah you need to stop hanging out with him your turning into the same person next thing you know you will be reading comic books and snorting when you laugh." Erica remarked. Ethan only snorted in mockery.

"Hannah Price just asked me if I could trust her, can she?" He asked. "Can she?" Sarah asked back. "I can't watch this happen." Willow muttered before turning around and walking away with Erica following.


Later in class Ethan, Benny and Willow were talking about Hannah Price again. "So this morning Hannah was really nice to me and asked me if she could confine in me." Ethan told his best friends.

"Dude it's a trap." Benny told him. "Not it's not, she only did that because she wants to get to know you, and then hopefully you will finally get a girlfriend!" Willow said happily hitting Ethan on the arm.

"I knew it! The next time I saw her she started to swear like my dad in traffic." Ethan said completely ignoring Willow. "There are two sides to every girl, like a coin. Heads she's crazy, tails the same as heads." Benny told him.

"That's not true E, have you seen me be crazy?" Willow asked. Ethan and Benny only gave her a look saying YES. she then looked away.

Then out the door they saw Hannah compliment someone's skirt in the hallway. "Heads" Benny said. And then through the other door they saw Hannah hit someone's book out of their hands. "Tails" Benny said with a cringe. "Good luck with that." Benny told him.


"Yes! Now that was a 3 pointer!" Hannah yelled out in the cafeteria throwing something at a freshmen and hitting him in the head. "Who else what's some of this!?" She yelled out seeing the stares she was getting.

"If she asks you out you better say yes." Benny said to Ethan. Willow then walked up to them at the table.

Hannah saw them looking at her so she smirked and started to walk over to them. "Oh she saw us." Ethan said looking away. "What do we do" Ethan asked. "Just act natural." Benny told him. "Well I'm naturally nervous so that should be easy." The seer replied. Making Willow roll her eyes at her friends tactics.

"Baby still crying because he couldn't be super man in the yearbook?" Hannah asked Benny. "Superman. Please, he's a little too retro." Benny sassed back. Hannah only scoffed in return. About to throw Benny's food on him but before she could Willow intervened and grabbed Hannah's wrist. "Don't even think about it." Willow gritted out.

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