The full moon.

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(I'm skipping die pod, I don't see Willow in it)

3rd person p.o.v

Willow was anxious.

The full moon would rise on Friday and not just a regular full moon, it's a blue moon. They only come around every 2-3 years and Willow is now going to experience her first one.

Willow, Ethan and Benny were walking to school when the two geeks got pulled into a headlock by David Stachowski ; one of the hairiest jocks the three of them have ever seen. When Willow wasn't paying attention David let them go and apparently talked about them being best friends. But before David left he turned to Willow.

"Hope to see you Friday night." He said winking.

"Gross" she muttered.

"Why would a guy like him want to be friends with us?" Ethan asked.

"Ethan. Don't." Benny told him.

Willow shook her head. "There's something about that guy." To which the three of them looked over and saw David growling at someone.

"Other than the fact that he's huge, awesome and popular." Benny said scratching his head. "Ew is that a flea, please don't tell me I have fleas." Benny gagged.

"Yup that's a flea." Willow and Ethan spoke.


Later in the day Benny and Willow met up Ethan and Sarah in the lounge. Benny bent down and grabbed candy bars he found on the floor.

Willow shoved the warlock. "Gross Ben." Moving past him to go towards Ethan and Sarah, Benny tailing her.

"Who's got two thumbs, 3 candy bars and is best friends with David Stachowski? that's right, this guy." Benny said sitting down. "Ya I see what you mean." Sarah said pointing towards the idiot. "Yea but it gets worse" Ethan started.

"It's like he inserted himself into my life." Ethan started to go off on what David has done. For the rest of the conversation Willow tuned out. She couldn't focus on anything but the sound of blood pumping through everyone in the lounge. She didn't even hear David come in and howl. Or when Benny tried talking to girls. She started to tap her ring against the table making a clinking noise. It doesn't help that they are getting closer to the blue moon either.

Ethan, Sarah and Benny all shared a look concerned for their friend. Wondering what was going on with her, because she's barely said anything snarky or rude.

"Hey are you ok Will?" Sarah asked placing her hand over Willow's. Willow quickly shot her hand away and snarled at Sarah. Willow then snapped her head around looking to see if people were watching them, when she deemed it clear she vamp sped out of the room.

"What's going on with her?" Sarah asked once Willow left.

"It's a full moon this Friday, one that only comes out every 2-3 years." Benny explained. "She's on edge, told me she wants to drink everyone dry." Benny concluded.

"Oh so she's going nuts until after Friday?" Ethan asked.

"Basically." Benny stated.

Ethan and Benny came to the conclusion that David could be a werewolf and knowing Willow was one, they weren't too far off.


Sarah tried out for the soccer team, which didn't work because she gave a girl a concussion. But when she was in the changing room she heard something that made her blood run cold.

Sarah turned around the corner to see Willow staring at someone's neck while she was talking.

"The full moon is really getting to you." Sarah said walking over to the red head.

"Hm— ya it's really hard especially since it's a blue moon." Willow replied.

"Let me guess." Erica started walking up to the two girls. "Soccer went the same way tennis tryouts went, and volleyball and yearbook?"

Sarah quickly turned her head around. "I'm just trying to do something— something that will I don't know make me feel normal."

"You two don't fit in with humans an more, why keep fighting it, come over to the hot side." Erica smirked. "What's wrong with spacey here." The blonde asked looking at Willow who was staring at the ground intently.

"Full moon." Sarah replied easily.

David then came up to the them for some reason. "Hey I'm Dave Stachowski. Which you should know because I'm David Stachowski." And Erica was checking him out, which made Willow roll her eyes.

David looked at the three girls, his eyes lingering on Willow. "And I saw you talking to my best buds, and since you're buds with my buds that makes me—" David said before he was cut off by Sarah.

"Really annoying." The brunette vampire retorted. "And you should shave your forehead again, you missed a spot."

David growled at the three and stalked off. Willow watched him leave and decided to follow him. "Hey I'll be right back." Willow muttered to the two vampires. Both of them gave her confused looks as she turned the corner towards David. When she found David he was leaning against his locker and she ran up and tugged on his shoulder pulling him towards a less crowded part of the school.

"Hey carrots what's up." He flirted.

"One, don't call me that. Two, do you have chains or anything for Friday night?" She whispered the last part.

"Your one too?" He gaped.

"Yes.yes I am. Now do you?" She practically yelled.

David winked suggestively. "Yea I do but I need something in return."

"And what do you need?" She asked eyebrows raised.

"Just come with me." David said and grabbed her arm. A few seconds later they were by his friends and she didn't see them but Ethan and Benny were near and saw her with David.

"Hey bros, I finally got a chick." David said. His group of friends wolf whistled and looked up and down at Willow.

David turned to Willow and whispered. "Just go along with what I'm about to do."

"Okay?" She said dragging out the 'y'. She was confused on what's happening until David's lips latched onto hers. And since they were both wolves, Willow's primal nature came and and she kissed back with more force and suddenly everyone around them saw them making out.

Benny on the other hand felt his heart break. He has loved Willow since forever and now he is watching someone that isn't him kissing her. And then Benny was filled with rage. He turned to Ethan and the seer saw that his best friend was fuming so he quickly put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed it saying 'I'm here'. And finally Benny snapped, he used his magic to push David and Willow away from each other, both stumbling back.

"We are going to prove he's a werewolf."


A/N- and I finally updated, I'm sorry it's short but I have more planned for next chapter.

1145 words.

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