Pizza guys and drama club kids

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(Sorry that I'm late at posting, I've been super busy but anyways here's chapter 6)

3rd person p.o.v

A few minutes after Sarah left they all heard the door bell go off. "Ha ha the pizza dude is so late, we better get a bonus" Benny said with excitement opening the front door.

"Come on in dude, this better be free", Benny said." I am so dying for a bite"

"And so am I" the pizza dude said.

Willow, Benny and Ethan all looked and saw that the pizza man had yellow glowing eyes and sharp fangs. All of them screamed and Willow held Jane. "It's alright Jane, it's alright, hes just playing a game". She said trying to calm down Jane.

"Yeah and the game is called where is Sarah!?" the pizza guy screamed at them. "Wait of he's a vampire, and we ordered pizza with garlic..." Willow thought.

Sarah then appears and says "can I play too?" "YES"! All of them scream out.

While the pizza guy and Sarah are smack talking each other about God knows what Benny just had to speak up. "Hey before we ruin this pizza can I take a slice for the road?"

"Benny, guess what, that's a vampire" Willow said pointing to the pizza guy and continued "and thats a garlic pizza" she said pointing at the pizza. "Do you understand what I'm trying to say!?" the red head asked Benny.

"Right, with extra garlic!" Ethan said. Benny then finally got the idea and ran and smashed the pizza into the pizza guys face. "Kind of ironic"   Willow thought.

When Benny finished they all ran up the stairs to Ethan's room. While Sarah was fighting the guy.

"I should go out and see if she is winning or not" Willow said trying to open the door. "Nuh uh, nope, never, not happening, you are not going out there, of course she isn't winning she's not a full VAMPIRE!" Benny said to Willow shoving her from the door.

"Wait Sarah's a vampire!" Jane asks us. The three geeks all looked at each other wondering who was going to speak up and tell her.

"Uh yeah, I'm guessing since vampires are real too everything else you have heard of is real too"Willow said nervously. Ethan then looked at Jane and explained everything in detail.

"Guys I hear something coming closer" Willow said scared. The boys then pushed Ethans bed against the door when they heard "Guys open up its me!" Sarah scramed at them. And pushed the bed back to its original place.

"Do you have anything for weapons!" Sarah said urgently. "I have a stake in my backpack, shoot, it's downstairs" Willow said in a monotone voice. The three of them looked at her shocked that she said that. "What I'm not allowed to carry one around just in case vampires are real, in which case they are!" Willow said.

They then started to look around Ethans room for something sharp. "Hey would this work" Ethan said holding up a debating trophy. "Ha oh my Lord you still have that Eth." Willow holding a laugh in.

"Umm no!" Sarah said to Ethan. The pizza guy decided to punch through the door, and since Willow was the closest he grabbed her shirt and pulled her closer to him.

Benny then quickly grabbed the trophy from Ethan and stabbed it through the vampires hand so he could let go of Willow. Sarah and Ethan shared a knowing look saying that Benny was protecting Willow.

"Come on!" Benny screamed motioning to the window so they could climb out. They all ran towards the front yard and stood in front of them.

Sarah then came out and quickly stabbed him with the stake that Willow mentioned earlier. "See told ya it would come in handy" Willow said with a shrug.

"Alright so she is a horrible babysitter, but that was the BOMB!" Benny exclaimed.

"It's crazy she can sleep now" Will said pointing to Jane asleep on the couch. "I'm never going to sleep again" Willow sighed..

"Yup grandma has the magic touch, when I was eight-" "fascinating!, Look if I can get to Jesse's before something bad happens to Erica,  to save her. Sarah said walking towards the door.

"Wait, so the pizza guy is dead right?" Ethan asked. "No hes just in a limbo for souls type thing." Sarah replied. "So basically vampire purgatory" Willow concluded. "Yup" Sarah nodded.

When Sarah left about a minute later they got a call from Rory. "Benny,  wazzzupppppp"   Rory said weirdly.

"Wazzzupppppp" Benny replied bored already. "All of you are lame that's wazzzupppppp" Willow said smirking.

"If I'm so lame how am I chilling at the sickest party in town?." Rory asked. "Wait did the two geeks miss a mathletes tournament?" Willow asked Rory. While Ethan and Benny playfully glared at the red head.

"No my pretty lady" Rory said to Willow. Benny then glared at the phone, Ethan noticed and elbowed him discreetly. "I'm at a huge mansion with all of these people, that are all seniors!"  he said before sending Benny a picture..... That only Erica showed up in.

"Uh Rory are these kids apart of the drama club?" Willow asked the blonde. "Yes and they have been asking about you showing up all night" "why would they want me to show up?, I already blew them off?" Willow asked.

"I don't know but they keep saying youre really hot and would be the perfect person for this game their playing later". "Willow then shuddered and said" well the can go kiss my a-" she was saying before Benny slapped a hand over her mouth.

"A perfect person for what-" Ethan started  to say but then got cut off by Rory. "Sorry conga line formed see ya!" Rory said and ended the call.

"Come on dude don't say it, please don't say it" Benny whined "come on Benny rabbit" Willow said using the old childhood nickname. Benny knew that he couldnt say no to Willow us in the old nickname.

"Fine! But I'm not walking" he said. Then turned to Willow. "And we need whatever things you have to kill vampires". Benny stated.


A/N: sorry that it's been a while, but hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please vote and comment!

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