Chaster 5: Back to Nikki's POV

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I skip home and cheer. I have friends!! Woo hoo! I smile.
My smile fades as I see Mike chuckle with a beer bottle in his hand.
"C'mere." He says as he grabs my hand so hard and pushes me to the cold hard floor.
I shut my eyes as I feel the pain burn.

After my beating I take a warm shower. I dry off and get dressed. I sit down on the floor. Pain aches through
my body. It's okay Nikki, stay strong. I say in my head as I pull out my diary and start to write in it:

Hey, it's me. It's been a while. Well everything's starting to be good at school. Mikes still the same. I'm just his slave. Meanwhile at school the bullies are starting to become my friends!! I know weird huh! Its worth a shot. I'm so happy! :) Anyways I'm gonna go to sleep now. Ill tell you more tomorrow!

The next day at school:
As I go to my locker I accidentally bump into a guy. "Oh sorry." I say as I look up. He's so cute. His blond hair and blue eyes.
"No no. I'm sorry. I got a little lost. It's my first day." He says.
"Oh. Let me see your schedule." I say. He shows me.
"You have science first. So do I! I'm on my way to class so ill show you." I say.
"Thanks." He smiles. Damn he's so cute.
"I'm Luke by the way." He says.
"I'm Nikki." I smile as we walk our way to class.

At lunch:
I go to the bathroom. I have to write about what happened this morning, when I met Luke. I write really fast and then close my book put it in my bag and run to lunch.

After school:
"OMG girl great news I got you a date!!" Emma says with a smile.
"Who?" I ask. Ugh great.
Emma points to a guy.

"Hi I'm Nikki." I say. What! He's a total punk, red dyed hair, crazy mohawk. I CANNOT go to homecoming with him!

"Yo yo yo! Aye my name is snake but they call me snake." He starts laughing out of no where.
"Um. Snake..uh nice uh name." I say. What kind of name is that??
"Aight ima go na. Peace yalls He laughs again.
"OMG isn't he perf?!?" Kat says.
"Ya! Your like so lucky." Jess says.
"So do you like him?" Emma asks.

"Uh yea i guess." I lie. NO WAY!
"Amazeballs! You two will like have so much fun I know it! Jess says.
"It will be your best homecoming ever!" Emma says.
"Oh it will Nikki. You'll see." Emma mumbles.
"What's that? " I say.
"Nothing." Emma says with a smile.

She claps her hands. "Ooh! Here's you dress for next week! Make sure you wear it because snake will LOVE it!" Emma says as she hands me a dress.
It's a huge poofy dress and it has sparkles everywhere. Let me tell you it's hideous as hell.
"Uh, um thanks." I say.
"It's better than nothing." I say in my head.
"Oh godd I'm late. I have to be home by now. Well bye guys!" I say as I run.

Emma's POV:

As Nikki ran a book fell out of her bag.
I kneel down and pick it up.
"Girls look! It's her diary." I say with a smirk.
"Just what we need." Kat says.
I open it and start to read it.
"Haha OMG get this Nikki's parents gave her away when she was born! She's adopted by some man who abuses her." I say as I start laughing.
"Also she has a crush on a guy named Luke. Oh this is going to be great. Telling the whole school." Kat says.

"Aww poor thing. Haha this is perf we will tell the whole school all her secrets!" Jess says.

"Yup." I say.

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