Chapter 22: First night with parents!

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"Mom dad can we go to Home Depot. I really want to paint my room." I say.

"Sure. I'll take you." Dad says.

We get in the car and drive to Home Depot. I get the color turquoise. I can't wait to paint my room.

Once we get back home I quickly run up to my room. Mom and dad come in. "We'll help!" Mom says.

I smile. We put on some raggedy clothes and start painting the wall turquoise.

Three hours later:

We sit there exhausted. "Tonight you will have to be sleeping with us. Your room needs to dry." Mom says.

"Okay!" I say.


We brush out teeth and I hop in my
parents bed. Sound asleep.


"Sweetie get ready for school." Dad says.

"Aww I don't want to go today." I say.

"The school called and said you've been out for a pretty long time and you missed a lot of work." Mom says.

I groan sleepily. "Okay."
I say. I get up and get dressed.

After breakfast I say goodbye to mom and dad and go outside. I see Luke at the bus stop.

"Hey Luke!" I say as I run up to him.

"Hey Nikki. Or should I say girlfriend." He says.

I giggle and kiss him on the cheek.

We wait for the bus. Once it's here we hold hands and go on the bus. We find a seat next to each other.

"So how was your first night with your parents." Luke says.

"Good. I slept with my parents cuz I just painted my room and it needs to dry." I say.

"Cool. What color?" Luke says.

"Turquoise." I say.

"Nice." He says.

At school:

Everyone's starring at me and whispering. Oh great not again.

Their just surprised how I went from ugly Nikki to beautiful Nikki.

I find my locker and open it. I sigh. "Hi!" Says a voice from behind me.

I look behind me. It's two girls.

"Um hi? May I help you." I said,

"Well it's our first day and we can't find our class." The other girl says.

"Let me see your schedules." I say.

They show me. "Oh you both have history for first period. Okay I know where that is. I have science first but ill show you." I say.

"Thank you." The girls say.

As we walk there I say. "I'm Nikki by the way."

"I'm Haley." Haley says.

"I'm Bailey." Bailey says.

"We're twins." Bailey says.

"Cool." As we get to their classroom I say. "Well this is it." I say to them.

"Thank you." Haley says.

"Thanks." Bailey says.

"Well see you around I guess. Oh and welcome to the school." I say with a smile and walk off to class.

At lunch:

Me and Luke find a table and sit down. I tell him about the two nice new girls I met.

"Really? I met two new boys." Luke says.

"Oh look there they are!" I say as I point to Haley and Bailey.

They come to our table. "Guys meet my boyfriend." I say.

"Luke meet Haley and Bailey their twins." I say.

"Hi." They both say.

"Hi." Luke says.

"Oh and those are the guys I met this morning. Their also new." Luke says as he points to two boys. They come to our table.

Haley and Bailey keep starring at the two boys.

"Guys meet Sam and Cameron." Luke says.

"Hiiiiiiii." Haley and Bailey say as they stare at the two boys.

"Hi." I say.

"Hi." The boys say.

"Do you guys like all want to be best friends?!" I say.

"Ooh yeah." Luke says.

"Sure." Sam says.

"Why not?" Cameron says.

"Yeah!" Haley says.

"Yup." Bailey says.

"Awesome we make friends on the first day." Sam says.

"I know right." Haley says.

We all talk and have fun until lunch is over. "Hey guys wanna hang out and go catch a movie at the mall on Friday." Luke says to us.

We all agree.

We head off to our classes.

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