Chapter 34: A couple months later..

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As we get ready to go to the mall Justice's phone rings.

"Um I have to get this its important you go wait outside." Justice says.

I nod and go outside. A couple minutes pass. What's taking her so long?? Maybe I should check on her.

I walk in the dorm and walk to our room, as I reach for the door handle I hear Justice talking.

"Yeah I know. Yeah. Okay. Don't worry I won't let you down."

Who is she talking to?

"Ill try to gather up more info about her. K. Bye Emma."

Emma? Emma?! EMMA?!? No no no. She's probably planning an evil scheme. But since she's in jail she hired Justice to do it. Oh wow.

I quickly go outside and pretend that I was waiting.

She comes out. "Hey Justice what took you so long? I've been waiting in this coldness." I lie.

"Sorry it was an important call about my family." She says.

Sureee. I think.

"Okay lets get going." I say.

We walk to the mall. As we walk there I start thinking.

If Emma's planning a scheme on me and trying to gather up info about me then I can't trust Justice anymore.

1 hour later:

Our hands our full with shopping bags. Suddenly Justice's phone rings again.

"Ugh family problems. Excuse me I need to deal with this." Justice says as goes in the bathroom.

I follow her secretly and quietly. I hide behind the wall.

"Yeah Emma?" Justice says.

"Tomorrow morning? Okay. Ill make sure she won't bring her phone since she's been getting help from her phone every time something happens to her." Justice says.

"Alright. But what about you? How will you escape jail? They locked you and your friends and your dad up pretty good." She says.

"Oh you'll send Nicole? Awesome. I'm getting my money though. Right. Thanks." Justice says with an evil smirk as she hangs up.

I put my hand on my mouth when she said Nicole. Nicole's in this too?! That makes sense though, now I know why she stole my friends and Luke.

I quickly run out and sit where I was supposed to be waiting and quickly grab a book I bought from my Barnes and noble bag. I open in to a random page and pretend I was reading it this whole time.

Justice walks out. "My family is crazy." She says. Sure is, liar.

"No problem." I say. We walk back to dorm.

Their gonna do something to me tomorrow morning. She's gonna make sure I don't bring my phone. Hmm I have a plan.

That night I get my old broken phone and have it ready. I put my iPhone under my pillow so she won't find it and will take my broken phone.

Ill tell her that my iPhone is broken and I took it the store and their fixing it. But secretly ill bring it and she will take my old phone.


Author's note:

Ooh smart Nikki! XD What do you guys think will happen next? Comment down below! Please please vote, it would really really mean a lot! Peace y'all's!

XOXOXO ~Parmida

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