Chapter 35: You cant fool me

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Justice's POV:

We wake up on a Saturday morning. Today's the day. The plan.

"Good morning!" Nikki says.

"Hey. Morning." I say.

"I have a surprise for you today! We're going shopping and I'm paying for them all!" Justice says.

"What for?" Nikki says.

"Nothing just for fun." I say.

Just for fun to KIDNAP YOU! I think in my head.

Nikki's POV:

I get ready for the "suprise." I have my plan ready.

"Hey can I check the weather on your phone? My phone is like dead. I forgot to charge it last night." Justice says.
Wow what a liar

"Sure." I say as I hand her my old phone.

"Oh where's your other phone?" Justice says.

"We'll its not working so its at the store and their fixing it." I lie.

"Okay." She says.

I get ready. This is my chance to get my friends back. My plan is that ill put my real phone on record and it will record our voices and ill stick it in my pocket. Justice won't know that I have my phone. I'm already calling the police when I'm there so the police can save me. After that I'll send the recordings to Haley,Bailey,Cameron,Sam and Luke. They will see how bad Nicole is since she's gonna be there. Perfect.

"Ill go call a cab. You wait inside since its cold." I nod.

She's up to something. Yeah sure Ill wait inside. Hah no. I hide behind the door and hear her talking.

"Yeah take us there. And if she asks say its the mall okay? She'll think you got lost." Justice says to a taxi driver.

"What why would I do that? Miss that is unac-"

Justice interrupts him as she pulls a handful of cash out of her purse.

"Okay." He says.

Wow that's just messed up. She bribed him with cash. What a jerk.

Justice walks in. I quickly pretend like I was reading a magazine. "Got a cab! Lets go." She says with a friendly smile.

We go in the cab. "Hey where's my phone?" I asked with a worried face. I know where it is. But I still have my real phone.

"Oh dang it, I'm so so sorry I left it at our dorm." She says with an innocent face.

"Thats okay." I say.

Wow what a faker.We start to get lost which I know she planned.

"Excuse me where are we?" I ask.

"You said you guys are going to the mall right? Well Im having trouble. I forgot where it is." The driver says.

"It's okay, you can stop here." She says with a smile.

"Um Justice this aint the mall." I act scared.

"I know where it is from here." She says. We get out of the cab.

"Stay here Ill go see if there's anyone here for directions." She says as she goes in a house.

I quickly get my phone out and dial 911.

"Please help I'm about to get kidnapped." I say.

Justice's POV:

I walk in the dark room.
"Nicole? Nicole you here?" I say.

"Yeah. Did you bring her." Nicole says.

"Duh. She actually thought were going shopping. Haha she's so stupid." I say.

Nikki walks in. "Hey justice whats going o-"

Nicole runs and grabs her mouth.

Nikki's POV:

Well the police should be here any moment. I already called them. My phone is already on sound record.

As Nicole puts her hand on my mouth she says. "You ugly piece of trash. You don't have friends. Hahaha. Wow you really thought Justice was your friend."

Justice starts laughing. Justice ties me up to a chair.

They start cussing and calling me bad words. I don't freaking care. I start filling myself with positive words. I'm brave. I'm strong. I'm not that old Nikki who cried and tried to kill herself anymore.

"Oh and those people weren't my parents when I came in your dorm. I just paid them to act like it. Oh and you never had a roommate I snuck in and pretended to be your roommate. Emma sent me. I never had classes." As she starts telling me all the things she did, suddenly the police run in.

"Put your hands up." They yell to Nicole and Justice.

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