Chapter 38: Old friends

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The days in the hospital get pretty boring. I start to get my memory back and remember some stuff. For the first nights my parents stayed with me. I yawn as I turn the TV off. I put the covers on me in the hospital bed and sleep. A couple minutes later theres a knock on my door.

The nurse comes in with a tray with food.

"Here you go." She says with a smile.

I smile. I still can't talk. I'm in shock I guess. I am pretty startled though. I keep thinking their gonna come after me again but my mom told me not to worry about them because the jail killed them since they keep getting away. When my mom told me that I calmed down.

I start eating my soup. The nurse comes back and I give her my tray. I yawn again so I go to sleep.

The next morning:

I wake up as a nurse walks in my room. "Nikki you have visitors." She says. I nod.

The nurse lets the people in as soon as I look at their face, tears start coming down my face.

It's Haley,Bailey,Cameron, Sam and ...Luke.

"Nikki we were horrible to you. I know you'll never forgive us." Bailey says.

"We found out what kind of person Nicole is. Turns out shes in jail." Sam says.

I shake my head and point to the door. What kind of people are they. I been trying to tell them that this whole time. Did they ever listen to me? No they hurt me instead. They betrayed me. Especially Luke. Especially him.

"We know you can't talk." Haley says.

"Please forgive us." Cameron says.

Luke just stares at me. I really want to slap him right now. I really do.

Luke's POV:

Seeing Nikki in the hospital makes me so sad. I'm such a bad person. I been so mean to her. I cheated on her. I broke her heart and said some hurtful things to her. Of course she won't forgive me. Of course she won't forgive us. I really want to kiss her right now. I really do.

Nikki's POV:

Suddenly me and Luke lock eye contact. I start to remember all the memory's we had. Well at least all the good memory's we had. All of a sudden so much pain comes from my stomach where the stab was. So much pain my eyes squeeze shut and suddenly everything goes dark.


We run around the grassy park floor chasing each other. I laugh as he smiles. I tackle him to the floor and we both lay there on the floor laughing so much. We lay there for a couple minutes until he gets up and says. "Race you back home."

"Hey wait up!" I say as he starts running.

"Last one is a rotten egg!" Luke shouts as I giggle and run.

End of flashback:

I hear shouting. "Nikki no please please dont die! Dont die! We were never there for you."

I try to open my eyes except I can't. My body's tired Im just not ready. I think I passed out. I hear more shouting of voices saying me to wake up.

I'm just not...ready. I need to rest. I need to rest.... I need to rest...

Authors note:

Hey guys sorry that I haven't posted in a while. It was my birthday on the 24th and it was also Christmas on the 25th so I was super busy. I got a Samsung galaxy tablet and Im going to start writing on there. Ill download wattpad on it. I don't need to write on my iPod anymore, it's so slow. Anyways goodbye peeps!


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