Chapter 32: 4 years later....

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It's graduation day. I can't believe I'm going to collage!

As we drive there I stare at the window and sigh. "Sweetie what's wrong? You look down. It's graduation day how could you be sad on this day." Mom says.

"I'm not down. I'm okay. I'm just nervous." I lie. Actually I am down. I'm always down. I don't have friends. I remember the day when Nicole said she was going to steal all my friends. Well she did mean it. Haley and Bailey are now BFFs with her. Sam and Cameron are like attracted to her.

Luke is still dating her. I don't know how my "friends" turned into bullies. I been through enough. They even know my past. But instead they betrayed me.

I'm glad I'm moving to a far away collage. I need a fresh start. A new start. With everything. My past, my friends, my life.

Haley and Bailey and Sam and Cameron think Nicole is so nice. Every time I told them about Nicole bullying me they wouldn't believe me because Nicole is so nice to them. She's a faker, whenever their around shes sweet as candy but whenever she's alone with me she bullies me.

They got mad at me because I kept "blaming poor sweet" Nicole of bullying me.

A couple hours later, after graduation:

This is it. I officially graduated high school. I hug and kiss my parents as they hand me flowers.

We headed to a fancy dinner. It was delicious. After that we drove home and I ran to my room and changed into my pjs. I brushed my teeth and fell fast asleep.

Moving day:

Today's the day. I'm going to collage. Im so nervous because I don't know who my roommate is. We drive there. It's pretty far away. 2 hours pass and were finally there. My parents carry boxes. So do I. We finally find my dorm room and they help me unpack. No sign of any roommate. Maybe their just running late.

After we're done putting the boxes in my dorm it's time to say goodbye. My mom and dad cry as they hug and kiss me. I start to tear up too. "I'm going to miss you. I promise I'll visit." I say.

"Well this is goodbye." Dad says as he wipes his tears.

"Love you. Goodbye." Mom says as she finished hugging me.

"Be safe. Love you Bye." Dad says.

"I love you too. Bye." I say.

They leave. I start unpacking my boxes. I guess I don't have a roommate. Suddenly the door opens and a tall girl with short brown hair and brown eyes walks in. "Hi sorry I'm late." She says as she puts boxes down on her bed.

"Hi. You must be my roommate." I say.

"Yeah. My name is Justice." She says.

"Nice to meet you Justice. I'm Nikki." I say.

Her parents walk in. They place more boxes. They say their goodbyes and they leave.

"Wow what now." I say as I stare at our room full of boxes.

"I don't know." Justice says.

"I can't believe we're finally in collage." I say.

"I know right. So where did you come from?" She asks.

"Richmond." I say.

"Cool I came

from Washington D.C." Justice says.

"We should start unpacking." I say with a laugh as I stare at the boxes.

"Hah yeah." She says with a smile.

We start unpacking.

2 hours later:

We finnish packing. "I'm exhausted." I say.

"Same." Justice says.

"Class starts new week. Lets start exploring tomorrow." Justice says.

"Okay! By the way I'm so glad your my roommate. Your very nice. I'm glad that I did not get a crazy roommate who dyes their hair everyday and has their nose pierced." I say.

"Haha same. We should get some rest." Justice says.

"Yeah." I say.

We get ready for the night and change into our pjs. We brush our teeth and go to bed.

I close my eyes in my bed. First night at dorm is so far so good.

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