Chapter 39: Happily ever after

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When my body is ready I wake up. "She's awake!" My mom says.

"Why did that happen?" I ask. Suddenly I realize I can now talk! "She can talk now!" The doctor says. "It happened because of your blood loss. Well I better go check on another patient." Doctor says as he walks out.

"Hey Nikki....Are you okay?" Haley says. I ignore them. They beytrayed me, I'm never gonna forgive them.

"Nikki..please." Luke says.

"We'll leave you all alone.". My dad says as he and my mom walk out.

"Why...Why would I forgive you guys? Why?." I say as my eyes tear up.

"Jus-just leave me alone." I say.

"Were sorry." Cameron says.

"Sorry won't do anything. You guys betrayed me. Betrayed me." I say as a tear rolls down my face and stare at my bed covers.

"I don't..I don't even know what we were even thinking. Please give us a chance please." Haley says as her eyes tear up.

I shake my head. "Here you give us one chance we promise we won't be our stupid selves again. I missed you Nikki. I really did." Luke says.

Anger rushes through me. "OH SO YOUR SAYING ALL OF THIS NOW LUKE?! AFTER 5 FREAKING YEARS YOUR SAYING THIS NOW? You wanna know my question. Why did you cheat on me? Why huh?!" I say with anger.

"What did I...what did I ever do to you?" I say as tears start rushing down my face.

"And you guys. Why did you just leave me. You never believed me." I say to Haley, Bailey,Sam and Cameron.

"Okay so the reason I cheated on you was I was just tired of not seeing you a lot. I felt alone since we were in different classes. A lot of people in my classes had girlfriends or boyfriends. I would always feel alone. I know our houses are next to each other and all but I just never saw you. After I cheated on you I knew what mistake I made. I knew you would never forgive me. I wasn't even thinking. I knew you would never date me again so I fell in love with Nicole. As the years passed I was so mad at myself. I missed you so much but I left you. I was so stupid." Luke says as he stares into the window.

I sigh. "Can you guys tell me why you guys left me." I say.

"Okay well. Nicole kinda sorta threatend us." Bailey says.

"What?!" I say.

"She said we had to be her bestfriends or she would kill us. She said we could never ever hang out with you again." Haley says.

"Me and Cameron did not like her at all." Sam says.

"Okay. I'll give you guys a chance. Luke please don't break my heart again." I say.

"Does that mean were dating again?!" He says excitedly.

"Yup." I say with a smile.

"Does that mean were best friends again?!!" Haley says.

"Yup." I say with a smile. We all group hug. Well they lean in for a group hug since I'm in my hospital bed.

8 years later:

"Mamaaaaa!" Skarlet calls.

"Yes dear?" I say with a smile.

"When gramma and granpa here?" Skarlet says in her little baby voice.

"Their on their way." I say.

I now have a sweet cute baby girl named Skarlet. She is 3 years old and she just learned how to talk. Well kinda. But she can say words. She has beautiful curly blond hair and blue eyes. She got that from her dad. Luke. Me and Luke got married after a couple months after graduation. Skarlet is having a brother. Yup I'm pregnant!

Right now is my baby shower. The doorbell rings. First guests are here!

Luke opens the door. "GRAMMAAAA!!! GRANNNPAAA!" Scarlet says as she cheers and runs to them and hugs them.

"Awww." I say.

"Hi mom! Hi dad!" I say as I hug them.

"Hello dear!" My mom says as she kisses my cheeck.

"Hi sweetheart." Dad says.

The next guests come. Haley and Cameron. They got married and Haley is pregnant too.

"Hey girl!" I say as I hug Haley.

"Heeyy!" She says with a smile.

"How have you been?" I ask.

"Awesome! I went to the doctor and my baby is a girl!" Haley says.

"That's a great!" I say.

Luke talks to Cameron then the doorbell rings and Bailey and Sam come. They got married too. Were all like a group, funny right?

We say our hellos and sit down. We all talk and laugh. I pick a name for my baby boy and his name is....Connor!! I can't wait till he's born!

Well this was my story. I'm glad I got a happily ever after!

If I never met Luke none of this would of happened. I'm glad I met him. A huge difference was made in my life. My life that used to be horrible and trashy turned into happy and great! My life...

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