Chapter 18.

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"Oh but I flowed like the river"


I got my period.

Harrys having a nervous breakdown.

It's been a good start to the morning.

I can't even remember the last time I got my period. It has to be well over a year, which is a wondrous side effect of my birth control.

The down side however, is I dont know when to expect it and when it does show up, its like it Muhammad Ali's the fuck out of my uterus.

I've been curled up in the fetal position in bed, clutching my stomach and never resenting having a vagina more in my life.

Guess this explains why I've been so emotional, also why I wanted to fight six grown men without thinking last night.

The second Harry realised I was in pain when he woke up, you'd swear the world was ending. He's acting like I'm dying in front of him.

Even Ludo looks concerned.

About Harry, not me.

"What do I do? How do I help?" He panics, pacing back and forth at the end of the bed with his palms pressed against his forehead.

"Harry - baby it's --" I get cut off by a particularly strong cramp, grunting in pain as I feel like my insides are being fed through a meat grinder, "It's fine." 

"It's not fine!" He takes quick strides around the bed to crouch down next to me, staring at me with worried eyes that are darting over my figure, "you're in pain. I want it to go away. How do I make it go away?"

I don't think Harry's ever had to deal with a female on her period, let alone a girlfriend on her period.

He's not taking it well.

"It doesn't work like that, I wish it did" I try and sound as soothing as possible, attempting to hide a grimace that doesn't work from the burning ache in my lower back, "It's normal Harry, it'll go away in a couple of days."

I always had extremely painful periods growing up. My mother would never allow me to go on birth control to try and help it though, when I asked for the first time she accused me of sleeping around and called me a slut.

I was thirteen, and a virgin.

But that's just how my mother was.

I remember Sophie taking me to get the implant in my arm when I was 18 when I came to visit her in Melbourne. I've had it replaced every three years since. 

"A couple days!" He exclaims distraught, his brows shooting up while his face only looks more panicked, "You can't be in pain for days."

I focus on my breathing, closing my eyes and try not to stress him out more by giving away just how badly this hurts, "Well yeah I kinda can be, that's how this works. I'll be fine Harry, everyone with a uterus goes through this, usually every month. It's okay, please calm down. I'll need a couple things though - could you go to the store for me?"

"Don't tell me to calm down. You're in pain and I can't stop it" He frowns, reaching out to run his palm up and down my side at a loss for what else to do, "I'll get you whatever you need. What's gonna help? And how come this doesn't happen every month for you?"

"My birth control stops it" I explain, then clench my teeth at the painful pressure in my lower half.

That's what I hate about cramps, you never know if its just your uterus massacring its inner lining or you just need to poo.

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