Chapter 32.

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"Battle between dark and light
Time for the great to die
come on, we all must choose a side."


You know, as far as most 48 hours go, after you watch your boyfriend nearly beat someone to death; followed by you both having an emotional breakdown, this is as good as anyone could expect it to be, really.

Things aren't amazing. But they're better than the day before and that's all you can hope for, is a step at a time.

I think we really needed yesterday, home alone together; doing nothing in particular, just trying to recover, really. Well while it lasted.

When I was getting ready for work this morning, with a new set of nerves over how the day was going to pan out with Jimmy and Harry coming to see these kids; I let my mind drift back to the day before.

We spent the day as Harry promised, mostly in bed. We spent it talking or just laying curled up with each other, while both of us came to grips with what we were both dealing with. Neither of us pretended we were fine, because we weren't but we were trying to get towards getting better.

We both needed a moment to breathe, I guess. Be still.

That night Harry had called Jimmy, I'm assuming to talk about the Mick situation, I didn't hear much of the conversation but from Harry's end he just sounded stressed.

In theme with not running away from our problems, I had asked Harry what was going to happen with Mick; and asked the honest question about whether he was alive or not, and if he was what would happen.

Harry had told me Mick was still alive, Jimmy had taken him to a hospital but I also found out there was a particular private hospital the people he knows go to; one where they know not to get the police involved and I assume they're compensated for it. I suppose you would need that, in their lifestyle. With the amount of violence that goes on, and the fact it's handled internally, you'd need somewhere to go where they wouldn't ask questions if you turn up with gunshot wounds, been stabbed, missing a limb or something else along those lines.

I didn't want Mick to die, but the fact he was still alive made me anxious for what he was going to do. I'm pretty sure he's not going to be very chipper about having the absolute shit beaten out of him.

Harry simply said he was going to sort it out, now that he'd had time to calm down. He had leverage with Mick, and while what he did has caused a whole slew of issues with Mick and destroyed any amicable relationship he had with him, he also explained that all those men put their money first and business, and their self preservation above their feelings.

Instead of just leaving it there, like I normally would, I asked more questions when it didn't make that much sense.

Won't he retaliate? How would he just let something like that go? Why would Harry keep him alive?

I guess this is where the rules of the regular world don't apply, because in Harry's world they have their own set of rules and laws. Their own 'morals', if you could even call them that.

Harry explained, well, as well as he could so I could comprehend it; that the trouble from getting rid of Mick would be more trouble than keeping him alive. People close to Mick knew he was going to meet with Harry and knew that's where he would have been, so it wouldn't take much to put two and two together to figure out who was behind it if he turned up missing.

There would be a bigger fallout, and while in this situation Harry has to do damage control, at least if he can talk to Mick; and work something out then Mick can stop any retaliation from his club. It's harder for Mick to give orders when he's dead.

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