Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: A Start Of The new love

"Tonight is the ball."

"Men and women fall in love."

"Or the women kick the men's asses."


As everyone got changed for the ball, Bran was nervous so he went to his sister Angelia's room. As he was wheeling there he saw Anastasia in her ball gown laughing at some ladies jokes. He knocks on the door.

"Come in." Angelica says, fixing her earring. She had butterflies in her stomach as she anticipated this Ball. Would Jimmy and her become more than just friends? Secretly, she did. But, she wanted to get to know him better. Sansa would probably be floored, and if her mother was still alive, she would be jumping up and down.

Bran just wheels into his sister's room. "I need your help." He says watching his sister getting ready, while still trying to see the future.

Angelica smiles at her older brother, and turns around, revealing her beautiful, glistening red gown on her body. "Yes?"

He hands her a small box he has from his pocket. "I need advice." He says trying not to get out of the room.

She grasps the small box in her hand and grins widely, "Oh, Bran. She is going to obviously say yes a thousand times. I love you, brother."

"That's the problem I can't see what she says because since I became the three-eyed raven and king of the iron throne. I now haven't been able to see what she says that's why i'm here. I need you to ask her in a way without her suspecting anything." He says telling his sister.

"Would you like me to lead her to you, and say something along the lines of, "Go to where you are at, the moment your life changes awaits you there?"

"Sister, listen out I don't even know if I should propose so I need you to ask her in a way without her knowing. Because if I know I already know how i'm going to propose." He said wheeling towards the door.

Angelica nods, and calls after her brother, "I'll do what I can."

"Ok good luck." He says leaving her room. Meanwhile when Queen heard the whole thing and was happy.

Angelica exits her room, and takes a deep breath, as she steps down the large staircase down the ballroom. She can spot her sisters, Sansa and Arya, chatting it up with some other men, obviously busy, and she would have to say hello to Arya later. She spots James standing alone, sipping on a glass of red wine. Angelica glides towards James, ignoring all the perverted looks she got from the older men. Her cheeks became inflamed as he looked her way, his mouth opening. She doesn't care when he grabs her hand and wraps it with his warm one, "Angelica, you're so beautiful." Angelica blushes once more, "Thank you, Mr. Pantomime." James looks towards the guests waltzing as a new song begins, "Care to dance?" Angelica looks at Anastasia, remembering what she needed to do. "That would have to wait later, James." He looks slightly disappointed, before nodding, "Alright, if you say so." Angelica flashes him a smile, and gently flicks her locks over her shoulder, "Don't worry, Mr. Pantomime. I'll dance with you in a bit. I have a task to complete." She winks, before retreating into a hallway from the ballroom, and enters a dark closet.

Anastasia is meanwhile talking to a guy who is making her laugh. She is twirling her one strand of hair that is out. All dressed up in her green and gold outfit, with her green and gold heels and green makeup. With her crown on her head. She is twirling and laughing with some other girls. The ball has yet to start and yet she is enjoying herself.

GOT: A Story Of A Snow & A QueenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora