Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: The Search for Magic in a land with Little Hope

"These dreams keep haunting me, I just don't know why? I need them to stop."

"I'm looking for magic to help me contact home or to at least give me my powers."

"If I can't contact home, I may lose my hope my belief."

"Don't say that ABIGAl." ________________________

JIMMY POV: That night was so long. Snow trickled harshly from the sky, landing onto the grass. The sky was grey and ominous-like. A lot had happened since these past five months. I had gotten promoted to Major General, and now I was leading a battalion of men through a forest. The night was freezing, I'll tell you that, and I felt bad for the men I was leading, but I had to keep a stern look. As for Angelica, my love for her is still so real. Hell, it's the only thing that keeps me going. I feel as though my love for her has grown even more throughout my time serving the country. Just only a few months hopefully.

"Men, come on, let's go! We only have to ride a bit more to reach our certain destination!" I ordered. A couple of groans followed my announcement, before I heard their horses trotting more quickly. I sigh as the cold nips increases the numbness in my ears. At last, we reach it. But what I am met with makes me curse with irritation, as the campsites are beaten to the ground, and the food is strewn onto the earth like rubbish. Our enemies must have done this.

"Bastards!" I cursed dismounting my horse and pacing back and forth. A chorus of groans and curses followed as people gathered around, some walking around the beaten up tents. I stared at a tent, "They're way too beat up. Not a chance of refurbishing any of these at all. Pity." I shake my head, before turning around to face my crew, "Men, tonight will be hard. But for now, we have no choice but to make use of what we have already, even though our items are limited. I need three men to collect some log, and I'll start a fire." I ordered, before crossing my arms.

The men scurried near some trees, and the sounds of log scraping the snow filled the eerie quietness. "Sir, we're going to die. Can't we ride to another campsite close by?" I glance over to see one of my soldiers who was much more skilled, shining brighter than any other soldier. I shake my head, "Lad, these men aren't skilled enough to last much longer. Resting is much better than dealing with fatigue for these men."

He furrowed his eyebrows, "This isn't the right thing to do, Sir, really. You're treating these soldiers like babies." I raised a finger at the man, "The next campsite is in more than four hours. I didn't plan for this campsite to be destroyed. You'd like to ride that much longer in the freezing cold rather than to wait and pray that it gets better?" The lad shook his head hesitantly, his eyes were still full of resentment. I sigh, "There's really nothing we can do. We just need to work with what we have. At least we shall have a fire. That provides some sort of warmth." The lad gasps, "What about the food and water?" I watch as the men haul in some logs, "We will pick at the scrapings. As I said, we don't really have a choice." I head over to the logs and bend down in front of men, I swear I was going mad from the cold. Praying that it would work, I raise my hands above the logs, and my full concentration sets onto this. It is dead silent. I start to lose hope until I feel a warmth grow onto my hands, but I don't dare to open my eyes. Until, I feel a quick tap on my shoulder, "Sir, you've started a fire. A rather large one, really." I sigh in relief, and stand up to face my crew. "Alright, men, listen up. Let us get some sleep. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow. Use the tents to make perhaps some covers for now. Good night men." I accept a blanket before planting it onto the cold, and envelope my chest with my arms, hoping that my blue coat would provide the right about of warmth. We were going to lose some men that night, and I didn't want to admit.

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