Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: Two Weeks Past

"We need to start looking. She should have been back."

"I'm worried what if she died,"

"We can't think like that yet."________________________

Two Long Weeks..

Two Long Weeks since the Queen. Queen Abigal Queen has been seen or heard from by anyone in the kingdoms. Or anyone the three young ladies know.

Everyone is looking for the Queen, even her brother who was in space with his team he came down for his younger sister by twelve years. Her best friends Houston Hook aka Nikki Jones was hoping for her friend to come back praying for the best.

"What if she died? What if she doesn't want to come home? What if she doesn't have her magic? What if she's mad at me? Did I do something wrong." Houston spoke freaking out in town hall where Peter grabbed her wrist.

"You did nothing wrong Nikki, your her best friend. My sister would forgive you if she was mad. Who knows but what we have to do is not stop looking. She probably isn't dead he's still out there we will find her." Peter said trying to calm down Houston who is his sister's best friend. He may be acting alright, but in his mind he is breaking down at his younger sister he charishised is missing maybe gone. But he has hope.

Henry and Ella came running in worried looks on their faces. "What happened where's Lucy?" Kaylaa asked them as Ella started crying and Peter went to comfort his adopted younger brother.

"What happened." Houston asked Henry as he looked at his sister. "We were looking for Abigal and this portal opened and she got sucked into it and now she's missing." He said as Houston gasped.

Everyone started to freak out, and Houston knew she had to do something. She got up on the stage. "Everyone." She screamed trying to calm the crowd as they looked at her. "We will find Abigal and Lucy, as long as we believe we know their alive. Let's just pray that we can find them soon and that they have another." She yelled in the crowd as Peter agreed.

After the whole two weeks the two has gone crazy, everyone missed them. With magic and that they must find her soon enough.

Will They? Find out in future chapters.

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