Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: Spending Time With Abigal "There is more to me then known." ________________________

Angelica started the day like normal. She would wake up, get dressed, stuff her face with lemon cakes (until she got sick of them), and either talk to Rachel or hang out with Holly. That day, she went to the town square, and the sound of loud hollers and bets filled the air. Upon further observation, she saw Holly, her fire-hair whipping around the air as she competed with other men, her sword slashing into his heavily-padded outfit. She was surrounded by a circle of hollering men, all throwing money, as Holly kicked a man, as he tumbled down to the ground.

Abigal woke up after such a long night where she was enjoying her time with the Jon Snow. She got out of bed and changed into her furry hunting outfit that she was wearing today. She grabbed an apple as she snuck outside where she saw Angelica in the market. "Angelica." She yelled loud enough for her to hear.

Angelica clapped and cheered with the other men as Holly wiped her forehead with the back of her hand, before placing them on her hips. She smiled proudly, and thrusted her hand forward to a buff man that approached her.

"She's really good, isn't she, Abigal." Angelica smiled, staring at Holly.

"Yeah she is." Abigal said thinking about the kids from where her sister Evie lives.

Holly quickly fought and defeated her opponent, despite him being buff, as he staggered away holding his knee. Her hands were full of golden coins,

"Would anyone else like to take me on?!" Holly yelled, a smile on her face as she looked around the crowd, before her eyes laid on Abigal and Angelica.

"Aye would." Abigal said knowing she was trained far more than the young girl. Being trained as one of the five, Abby Queen taught her and many others taught her. "Because I know I will get you on the ground." She said trying to make the girl know she wasn't joking.

Holly softly smiled, and giggled nervously, "I believe in you. So, how would you like to battle?" She stuck out her hand to introduce herself.

"Sword fighting my lands specialty." Abigal said because in her and she was trained to be a huntress, warrior, pirate, guard to others and it always has been her best use with her sword.

"Eh? Not around here, well, welcome to Winterfell." Holly smirked. "Okay, ready your swords!"

Abigal pulled out her sharp and legendary sword she had found and was lucky to be able to use as a young teenager. It was beautiful and enough to defeat any opponent.

Holly grabbed her longsword which was surprisingly dull, "Don't be fooled. This sword is much greater than you think," The sword then glinted with light. "I've been practicing sword-fighting since I was only a little lad, about three or four. I'm definitely expert level. But, good luck, you seem hard to defeat."

"I learned four things when I was a toddler before I could walk, I learned makeup, lady like propers, learning how to read, and how to be able to use a sword and fight with it. Plus I have trained with this sword since I was twelve maybe eleven at the earliest my dear." She smiled spitting out the words. "And I'm more than an expert i'm a legendary swordswoman." Abigal said looking at her.

Holly smiled politely, before waiting for Abigal to make her first move. Angelica didn't know who to cheer for, all she could do was bear a friendly smile, before a man in a black cloak and a white mask placed a hand on her shoulder. "I'll have you come with me," The man said, as he grabbed the woman by her shoulder. Angelica writhed out of his grip, and quickly pulled the key which she bore around her neck into her clenched palm, before plunging it into his upper chest. The man howled in pain, as she bit his hand, eventually tasting the metallic taste of blood, but before she could even react, the man twisted her neck until she felt a sickening pain, before everything went black.

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