Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: A Red Haired & Whitish Blonde Hair Women

"Who are you strange people. And why do you cross my land."

"I'm Abigal Petrelli, We're here to find a friend Daenerys Targaryen."

"It's nice having you around Lady Petrelli."

"It's nice to have somebody who understands me." ________________________

The women open up two weeks later where they are going to head to the kingdom where Daenerys is going to face the council after her so called death.

"You are nice to be with Lady Petrelli." She said as Abigal Petrelli in her dark red and black outfit made her body look nice along with her hair. It framed her features. "Thank you, your one of the only people who get me Daenerys Targaryen. You understand me more than most of the people who know me do." She said as Daenerys stared at this young red headed woman and laughed.

"Your different than most women here Abigal Petrelli." Daenerys said as she once again laughed and smiled at the whitish blonde woman.

"Thanks, What is your goal since you came back to life Daenerys." She asked looking at the purple eyed white haired blonde woman.

"A fantastic goal of mine is to get back what truly was going to belong to me. Just two things." Daenerys nodded.

"And What are those two things." Petrelli asked as she looked to the water.

"First thing is what I've worked for.. What I've fought for and what I've bled for. The Iron Throne. Second thing is... revenge on Jon, though I will not take his life."

"You don't need revenge. I have learned from helping a friend, revenge isn't always the key to success." She said getting closer to Daenerys facing her.

"It may not be the right thing for you, but you do not need to tell me what is right or wrong for me."

"I'm not telling you their is a difference, I'm simply giving you advice. From experience." She said snapping back at her.

"Though, I don't need your advice either, Abigal. I know what path I need to travel on. I've lived life longer than you have, and have dealt with nothing but hell. Don't speak to me when you don't even know who you're talking to." Daenerys spat through gritted teeth.

"Ha, I don't care how high royal you are I am much more intelligent and powerful where I come from." Abigal said getting closer to the light skinned woman.

Daenerys took a step back, "You're not around here, which is why it is hard for you to understand me. People in this world go through a lot of difficulties, and learn through it, thus growing intelligent. So, to claim of your higher intelligence not only makes you arrogant, but also makes you look like an idiot. With that mouth, you'll wind up dead in a ditch somewhere."

"I understand your power. I understand that you may have had difficulties with your people. But I have had a life way worse than your people and yours. You can't even touch the surface to kill me." Abigal said as she knew it was true her powers still flowed through her ready to strike.

"A life way worse? Sitting on a comfy throne while being fed fresh strawberries and sipping on countless glasses of wine in pure royalty?" Daenerys rolled her eyes.

"Ha, not like that. Imagine being the person who had nothing for 16 moons of her life, and then finally getting something. I fought for where I am for 16 moons." Abigal said going up kissing the whitish blonde haired woman.

Daenerys pulled back, speechless and gazing into Abigal's eyes. Abigal just dashes away knowing it wasn't the best idea to put fire upon a now lit one. To start a spark she wouldn't...couldn't commit to fully due to her loving Peter and her attempt to finding lo (i guess i should wait until next chapter)ve.

"I'm sorry." Abigal said as she ran back with her dress. She didn't look back as her red hair flowed off her shoulders until she gotta Brina Wilson.

"I'm about to say I made a mistake." She said as Brina looked at her with shock. "What happened?" Brina asked the red haired girl. "I kissed Daenerys." She stated as Brina looked at her. "You kissed her with feelings." She said. "I don't know. But my focus is finding Queen." She said.

What is going to happen? Find out soon with the red haired and whitish blonde haired women? 

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