Chapter 14

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“Finally I get some time with you my Lady.”

“Don’t flatter me too much Snow.” 

“I want to learn how to use a bow. Can you teach me Lady Stark?”

3rd POV 

Abigal woke up in Jon’s arms once again. But the thing is he wasn’t there as she headed down stairs after getting dressed. 

Angelica woke up that morning feeling a hundred times better than that time she lost her powers. She thought, as she stretched her arms, that maybe it meant something good was about to happen. Preparations in the morning were of usual; washing herself, cleaning her face, washing her teeth, and doing her hair of which she rolled into a ball on the top of her head, letting few free strands of hair fall to the sides of her face. Breakfast was quiet that morning, and she quietly enjoyed the porridge her maid had prepared for her. Until, 

“Hey Angelica where’s Jon?” Abigal said towards the young woman. 

Angelica rested her spoon, and placed her head on her hand, “I haven’t seen him all morning. Maybe he’s in town,” 

“I thought he was in bed, but when I woke up, he wasn’t there.” She said looking up at the ceiling. 

“That’s odd,” Angelica shrugged before consuming a spoonful of her porridge with berries. Quickly, she washed it down with a glass of milk, wiping the top of her lip with the back of her hand in a swift motion.

Lucy walked in and sat next to Abigal. “I have a peeve.” She said to her aunt. “What is it this time Luc?” She asked her. “I need to learn archery. My father was going to teach me before I found you.” She said as Abigal frowned. 

Arya and Sansa walked in right when Angelica was about to finish her breakfast, which was odd. They usually came to breakfast at the same time she did. Angelica and her sisters made small talk as well as passed a few rumors through the town, before parting ways to their duties. She had to admit, she secretly missed when they were closer, but ever since their parents died, things became different.

“I have to head out.” Abigal said to her niece. “Lady Stark are you busy today? Because I need help learning archery?” She asked. 

Angelica flashed a smile at the young one, “No, not at all. You’ve come to the right person,” 

‘Thank you’ Abigal said with her lips heading out to find Jon. 

Angelica walked with the little girl into the forest, her hands curled around a rather heavier picnic basket which held their lunches. She felt bad, as the bows they carried on their shoulders were quite heavy, but she thought that Lucy was handling it better than she was. When she got to the destination, Angelica lazily dropped the bow, and wiped the beads of sweat off her forehead, while Lucy looked untouched and normal like always.

The day went well, as Lucy was a fast learner. Angelica watched in amazement as the little girl shot a straight arrow hitting just near the bullseye. A smile crept on Lucy’s lips as she looked at Angelica.

“Lucy, you did so well!” Angelica cheered, as they high-fived. She led Lucy next to a river as they took a break, the birds and chirping accompanying them well. They both ate lunch in absolute silence, enjoying the view,

“Thank you for teaching me, Angie.” Lucy said shyly, before taking another bite of her sandwich.

Angelica smiled, “Your welcome. Do you think you can use a bow well now?”

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