Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: A Kingdom Come & The Girls Unite

"We need to get to universe 89."

"Were coming for you Abigal."

"Everyone stay in your groups. Don't divide. And check every hour to see if your group is back."

"Well be back soon, don't worry."

"I'm going with Strange and Xavier."

"Good luck Kay."

"You too Nick."


The kingdom was over happy after Kaylaa brought the news that Abigal Queen, their queen was alive. They were happy because they were ready to retrieve their queen.

Nikki Jones and Peter Queen are currently waiting to plan how to get to this universe. So they give a call to the girls after the civil war between the two sides that split them. Without Rebecca Ivy and Kiara Fury they must do this with the help of Mind's teammates and good friends to Abigal Queen. A sisterhood to be exact.

"Hello?" The tired voice asked as Nikki spoke up.

"Hey Abigal Petrelli, I know we haven't spoken in awhile, but I need you help." Nikki said as Abigal Petrelli sounded like she fell off her bed.

"I'll be there in a few, i'm going to get dressed and call Quil. See you soon." She said from the line as it dropped.

Nikki then texted a good friend of hers to get Abby on board and then for her to call Brina. Once they did about two hours later they all met in the town center.

"I thought you only called us. What are they doing here?" Abby Queen's voice snapped as Nikki got in between the four of the women. "We need all the help we can get, I get what Quil did. But that doesn't mean your sisterhood should end." Nikki said as Abby sighed and walked to a corner.

"She's right." Abigal Petrelli said moving her newly dyed hair. "I agree." Abigal Quil said walking over looking at Brina with forgiveness. "I know you may not forgive me for all I have done. But in the end we'll are sisters one way or another." She said as Brina nodded.

"I love you hair." Nikki said as Abigal Petrelli nodded with her dark and light red hair shined in the light. "The batwoman hairstyle. Who did it for you?" Nikki asked as Petrelli laughed, "Kate did." She said as Nikki looked shocked. "Kate did you hair. Your sister did an amazing job. It suits you both." Nikki said as Abigal nodded as she kept twirling her bright red hair.

About an hour later the whole town was at the theater where they met at this meeting. "So where is she?" Petrelli asked as everyone sat down. The whole town finally got together at the theater the girls made long ago for celebrations in the town.

"Dimension 89, What she called the 'Game of Thrones' dimension." Kaylaa said pointing at the map on the hologram screen.

"EHHHHHHHHHHH." Brina said almost about to burst in happiness. "You mean the game of thrones based on the books on the HBO series." She said happily as Kaylaa nodded 'Yes' and everyone had different expressions on this.

"Wait, what happens if she likes it their so much she doesn't come back? What if she fell in love?" Vanessa Page said from the back. Maleficent's middle child, her most powerful daughter who was next to Mal and Ben.

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