Chapter 18

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“This isn’t real.”

“It is real, you just a scared girl, I will help you.” 



“I don’t know what’s right or wrong anymore.” 


I woke up, everything was just a dream. Was that life a dream, just some fantasy. I look around in my room. I see the window that is peaking in the sunlight. With the light stone walls, and my black carpet on my light wooden floor. I’m only ten, I have just met the worst girl ever. She doesn’t understand the way of how to respect royalty. But she didn’t care she thought we were the same. And it was fun, but I can’t do that my father wouldn’t like that. 

I walked around towards my mirror as some memories start to come back to myself. I start brushing my now black hair. I looked into the mirror and saw something it could be an illusion. It looks like a woman who she claims is me. The one I saw in the dreams visions I see. I don’t know what they are, I only have magic. 

I walked around not knowing what would happen. I walked around the halls after leaving my room. I saw a picture of my brother and I. I kept walking around the halls knowing if I to far out my father would hurt me once again with his magic. I continued to walk down the stairs, but something seemed off with my father he would never give me black roses. He didn’t know about how I can do Black flowers. 

I saw what I thought to be my dad in front of me. “Hello dear.” He said sounding like he was doing something. I don’t even know what’s going on. “You can’t go anywhere outside since you need to become evil.” He said as I questioned him. I’m doing the worst I can at my age. 

“But i’m already evil you said that before.” I said as the person questioned me. “I just need you to do more evil stuff like killing people.” He said. 

I don’t like crushing people’s hearts, I can’t even touch them with my bare hands. I want to do good for people. The pirate I saw today she did good. She did hurt me. 

“But...You said no, who are you?” I said looking at somebody who wasn’t my father. “I’m your father.” He said as I knew to play along. “Very well.” I said. “Now go to your room.” He said as I nodded and did. 

3rd POV - Still in the Illusion house

Beauty, Strange and Xavier were still sitting tied up wondering when they would be free from this place. 

“Can we atleast have a card game?” Kaylaa asked a guard as he brought her a card game and set them at a table where they were still chained to it with their feet. 

“At least we can move our arms.” Camila said stretching her arms as guards were about to come. “I was stretching.” She said towards the guards. 

“I agree if not we may have not been able to have our arms anymore.” Kaylaa said as Camlia laughed. 

“Why did I have to be stuck with you Kaylaa? Strange said towards the other woman than his  future wife Camilia Xavier. 

“Shut up she’s better than you can be some times.” Camilia says in her british tone. 

Abigail's POV 

I looked to my side, “Who are you?” I asked the woman in the yellow cloak who appeared from a orange portal in front of me. 

“Abigal.” The woman said who took off her hood and she was bald. “Who...Who are you?” I asked the strange woman using my weak magic. “Oh no I must be too late. You need to trust me. I can help you. Because I’m your grandmother.” She said as I stood back and the memories came back and I remembered her enough. 

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