Chapter 20

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Epilogue “What Is Happening”

“The end of the war has come.” 

“But what is that.” 

“Everyone grab on and stay together.” 

“Where are we going?” 

“Home. But if not wherever together!”


“The war is over.” Someone yelled in the crowd. As the girls laughed. 

“Brother.” Abigal says as Peter picks her up and spins her in a circle. 

“I missed you. You should have seen the adventures Petrelli and I have had.” He said as she laughed. “But I have to go soon.” He said as she nodded. “But thank you.” She whispered in her ear as her family hugged her as she laughed. 

Jimmy smiles at Angelica, but then frowns. "Angelica.. realIy, I want to know."

Angelica furrowed her eyebrows looking at Jimmy, “I….I.” She said as Kaylaa looked at her. 

“I’m carrying a child.” She said shyly trying not to break down in tears looking at Jimmy. “What?” He asked looking at his love.

But what they didn’t know was a cloud of a curse on their land was coming. The curse that was rolling in. The curse that just broke the land and killed an animal. Abigal felt this. 

“We need to leave and you guys need to come until the curse is gone. You need to hold on to another. I can reach all your head in 5 seconds. You just have to hold on to at least one other person I was staying up here with the Quil, Kaylaa Beauty, Strange and Camilia. Hold on.” She said as they all held on then she used her powers and they all  disappeared. 

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