Chapter 19

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The War & The Return of the Pure Yin & Yang 

“You think you can stop me.”

“My name is Rebecca Moore Ivy and the most powerful mind is ____.”

“You can’t defeat me.”

“I’m stronger than I think.” 

“I doubt myself , but not anymore. I want to see what I can do without one hand behind my back for the past year since you died and put this on me.” 


Abigal's POV

I still saw those shadows and I saw them still in the mirror. “Who..Who are you two.” I asked them as they laughed and smiled with their bright white teeth.

“Were you darling. You just have to believe in yourself more. Don’t doubt yourself. Were your best qualities just older we need you to stop doubting yourself.” They said as I looked at them. Everything was true. 

I went over and saw my storybook with the pages in their. It updated it may not be mine from the future but everything is true. I just need to believe in myself. 

Kaylaa’s POV 

We were still sitting here sleeping or playing cards. We know at least a few days have past since we have seen sunlight without a window light. We didn’t sleep since days passed like 5 hours a piece at least. 

“How many hours until we get out.” Camilia sang, “How many hours till we see sunlight?” I sang back as we looked at another. 

“Freedom.” I sang with her together. “Freedom.” Stephen sang as the guards looked at us and threw  

something and it hit the table.

“Ok so we pray for her to return.”  I said almost crying. 

Angelica POV:

I sat in a comfortable, cushiony sofa, practicing my embroidery on a white cloth. My hair was tied in a messy bun, and the hot summer air coming through the windows caused sweat to bead slightly on my forehead.  I hummed to myself softly as I worked my way sewing, the eerie quietness and darkness of the castle putting me slightly on edge. 

"Angelica, what are you up to, my love?" Jimmy asked, carrying a plate of chocolate chip cookies in his hand. I smile, before looking back at my embroidery, "Oh.. Just some sewing and all. Thank you for the cookies, by the way,"

Jimmy makes a fake gasp as though he had been offended, "No, they're for me. How could you say that, Miss Stark,"

I let a giggle slip from my lips, "If you ate all those cookies, you'd gain a hundred pounds,"

Jimmy smirks, "Oh trust me, being surrounded by all these sweets will make that dream come true,"

I smile again, before looking down at my creation. I was attempting to sew some sort of flower, though it took a very strange shape. In defeat, I place the embroidery lazily down onto the table, letting out a sigh, 

"Embroidery isn't my thing.. What a pity, tsk tsk." I remark, putting my hands behind my head. 

"But basically everything else is what you're good at," Jimmy smiles, glancing at the embroidery failure then back at me. 

"Oh.. thank you, I suppose. But, I wouldn't say that is very true, dear. Anyways, you must like being back at home, don't you?" I say. 

Jimmy nods, leaning over and grabbing a cookie, "Well of course! Everything is better than that damned war I had to go through,"

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