Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: The Aftermath of the Wedding!!!!!!" Everyone keeps pressuring me into making the future rulers."

"I can relate."

"I just wish Jon Snow could feel what I feel for him."

"Are you two blind."


Angelica sat at her desk, her eyes scanning over the letter James wrote her for the thousandth time. She tried to read his mind, but to no avail. All it was is blackness. For some reason, she wasn't able to read his mind. But, it hadn't been the first time she had trouble with this. When she was trying to find Jimmy that night, it was also black. The only time she could succeed was when he was visibly scared, though, for the only the slightest bit. Angelica clutched the letter to her chest, "Oh Jimmy. ''I love you too." A tear slid down her cheek, "I can't tell if you're gonna see me again or not. But, please, stay alive." Angelica laid in bed awake, her heart racing a mile a minute.

Anastasia was worried because for the past three days everyone was pressuring her into giving the kingdoms an heir. She wants children, but she wants to live a little before than. Some people think it's because she hates her husband Bran, but it's just she wants her life before a child. She knows Bran wants a child soon, but she just doesn't know.

She walked out of Bran's and her shared room now, after kissing his cheek since she likes it when he's at peace in slumber. "Angelica, Abigal." She said sitting down at the table thinking about how she was being pressured.

Abigal walked in the room and grabbed water and an apple, then sat down in front of Anna. Concerned for her

Angelica walked over to the table with a plate of sausage and strudel, "Here's breakfast. It's not much, but I made it with love."

"Ok. Now why did you call us down Anna?" Abigal asked the young newly found queen still concerned for her.

Angelica took a sausage, and almost chokes on it, "Damn!" Angelica throws the sausage, "It is disgusting. I hate meat."

"Then why did you get meat." Anastasia said angrily trying to calm down.

"That sausage tasted like shit, that's why Wasn't expecting it." Angelica shook her head.

"Ok, I asked you to come down here because ...because I don't know what to do. Everyone wants me to produce an heir or heirs soon. And I don't know what I should do." She said to the two ladies nervously and spilling it out.

"You should produce children whenever you are ready. Don't care what other people say cause they probably rushed to have kids themselves." Angelica stated, flipping her ringlets over her shoulder.

"Yeah, but everyone is pressuring me and for sure Bran will be wanting them soon enough. And I just want to have more of my experience in life before I have children." She said looking down. "I feel like I'm failing the six kingdoms and winterfell because of this." She said trying not to cry.

"No you aren't!" Angelica comforted, shaking her head, "Don't be discouraged by what the other folk say. They are wrong, and you are right."

"But what about Bran?, again he will be wanting kids soon. Even though he can't take care of them like most fathers he still wants children." Anastasia said trying not to break down in the dining hall.

"He says 'soon', but not a precise time. Honey, you don't have to push yourself. Having kids when you're ready will not only benefit you, but the children themselves. Trust me." Angelica says, "Ned Stark took me in when he found me, and he already had enough children. He wasn't prepared for what trouble I would bring him, so he would lock me up in chains sometimes, since both my mother and Ned didn't know how to properly restrain me." Angelica sighed.

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