Chapter 15

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“A Queen Regan ends when mine begins. I will take everything from you Violet.” 

“You will never win over my dead body.”

“Then so be it.”

Abigail's POV

I woke up in the cave early in the morning. Tears fell from my eyes as I knew what I had to do. Risking my life is how the business works. I grabbed my brush and brushed my hair my pure black locks that flowed down on my light snowy skin. I missed them my family, my friends, my kingdom. But everything I do is for my kingdom. 

I put on my light makeup and then get dressed in my hunting gear. If I die today, no I won’t I will win this battle. I will bring back the magic. And I will not let anyone die on my watch. This is my time to save my kingdom sacrifice my life. 

My magic will return I can just feel it in my gut. But I get up and pack everything and make it small and put it in my pocket with the very little magic I have. 

I feed the horse and apple that I have in my bag out of the amount I have. I went and started riding the horse knowing something is coming and I could just feel it. 

As I went 

Angelica’s POV

I wake in my warm bed like usual, and at this point, my weakness is entirely gone. Likewise, my grief for little Rachel and the remembrance of her mother has healed slightly, though the heavy weight my heart bares is still evidently present. My eyes gaze out of my window as I notice the sky is still dark and barren of any drop of lightness. That’s when I realized I had strangely woken up earlier than usual. I sighed, irritated that I just couldn’t fall back asleep after waking up, and swing my legs over the bed. I carry on with my morning routine I know too well, and struggle to pick out a dress, leaving me in my plain night gown.

Bran’s POV 

I go up and knock on Angelica’s door. Everyday I hope my wife will return safely after she may have disappeared and died since I can’t see her with my visions. 

“Angelica.” I said knocking again being pushed by Jon who had just lost his love. 

Angelica hears a knock on the door. Upon opening, she sees Bran and Jon in front, staring at her. Self-consciously, she covers herself with her arms and tilts her head,

“Why are you both up so early? Also, I am kind of busy,” Angelica says, glancing down at her nightgown and back at her brothers.

“Your not busy Angelica,” He said towards his sister. “And I need to talk to you.” I said to her. 

“I am kind of in my nightgown though,” Angelica says, “Okay, fine. What is it?”

As he went in and Jon left as the fire crackled in her room. “I fear something dark is coming. I can’t see it’s just a feeling. Like someone is going to come into Winterfell to poison our kingdom and take over.” I said looking at her. 

Angelica nods seriously, “Then we must do something about it. Inform Sansa and our siblings about this, and we need to prepare everything.”

“Not now, because I feared if we do something can happen.” I said at her.

“No, we have to.” Angelica interjects, “Do you remember the last time we weren’t prepared?”

“Yeah my wife disappeared. I don’t know if she’s dead or if she’s just gone forever.” I yelled at her snapping back at my sister. 

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