About Kat:

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Kat is not in Inuyasha .

She's my OC.

Her relationship with Mayame?

Her and Mayame were best friends and went to school together. They always met by Mayame's locker since she was slow .

One day Kat didn't go straight to her locker and went to the food bar insted. When she got back she saw Mayame on the ground with bruises and she saw blood.

Kat ran to her when someone went to stab Kat ! Mayame tried to help Kat but got stabbed to 😞

Kat told Mayame to run and she did she ran to her house , she felt hurt Kat wouldn't want help she decided to phone her .... But .....

The phone call:

'Ring Ring Ring'

"Hello ? Who is this ?

"OMG KAT! Are you ok?!?!"

"Sorry I don't speck to idioits..."

"Kat ? It's me ! Mayame!"

"Ya , whatever ! Bye loser"

'Kat Hangs up'

End of phone call:

Mayame was fooled ... She thought it was Kat on the phone .... She thought wrong ... But since she never saw Kat again she figured she had died since there was a memorial held the day after that horrible incident..

But what they both didnt know was the person on the phone .. Wasn't Kat!

A/N : Guys ! 1.05k READ'S ?! Thanks so much ! And who do you think was the one who stabbed Kat and killed her ? Do you think it was Kat on the phone or someone elss... CLIFF-HANGER ... Again ! ☺

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