5/5 The fight and Friend's made forever

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Third persons Pov:

Everyone was getting ready for bed since it had been a long long long longgggggggggggggggggggggg day.

Inuyasha's Pov:

We were in the hut we usually stay in while at the village except this time we had guests.... Stupid Mayame...

Mayame's Pov:

"Hey! Fae want to be besties!!"

"Sure .." She was a little hesitant from her answer but now we can be BESTIES !!!!

We were all in the hut. I was talking to Fae and Chelsea ( her sister ) and then ... If course I look up to Inuyasha . He smiles at me. I smile back.

"We need to talk. Now!" I noded and got up "stay here Fae!" I walked outside with Kagome.... This should be good ! All I did was smile at him !!

"Get out!"

What?! Kagome ?! What !?"

"Get out! Leve us alone we were way better before you came !"

Fae's Pov:

I didn't care what Mayame said! I was going to find out what this girl wanted with my new Bestie !

"Stop it Kagome!"

"No get out ! "

*Kagome slaps Mayame*

"She slapped Her ?! She'll die.." I whispered to myself seeing and waiting for Mayame's reaction.

"Stop it Kag's ! We're friends ! Arn't we?!"

"No! Your stealing Inu ! So shut it and leave us!"

I couldn't contain myself !

I jumped out from the tree I was on and landed smack down ,

(Lol 😂 I said 'smack down' Ha )

In the middle of them. You should have seen Kagomes face! 😂 Priceless lol now... Sorry Mayame I thought.

I hit Kagome and we started fighting , her taking all the hits me losing my temper!


I heard Inuyasha tell me but I couldn't.

Third person's Pov : Inuyasha grabbed Kagome and protected her while Mayame fought to hold Fae back with the help of Shippo and Kirara in her big demon cat form.



Inuyasha looked at Kagome who was crying then held her Mayame had tear stinging her eyes . "Get out Mayame."

"Inu-Yasha ? Wh- why!?"

"I told you Get Out! And take those wolves with you!!"

Mayame stood their shocked luckily for her Miroku and Sango stepped in.

"Inuyasha let them stay the night!"
Sango pleaded .

"Yes don't you think your overreacting?"

"Shut it Miroku!"

"It's fine. We will leave tomorrow in the morning to my village."

"Bye Inuyasha..."

Was the last thing Mayame said to them before turning to the hut and falling asleep with years rolling down her checks

"Good! Bye Mayame 😏" was what Kagome was saying to herself that night...

A/N :

WHAT DO YOY GUYS THINK OF KAGOME NOW ?! Lolz so what did you dress up as for Halloween this year? Comment in the comments any ideas or your costume this year for Halloween ! Anything you want to happen ? ( might be making a book 2 soon not positive yet though )

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