Chapter 9

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Joe and Ben arrived home with nothing settled. Neither of them felt comfortable talking about what happened. "It's getting late I'm heading to bed good night Joe." Ben walked into his room slowly looking sad. "Night Ben." Joe sat on the couch staring at his hands.
'I wanna tell him I love him.' Joe thought to himself. Joe shook his head as he grabbed his phone. '1 new text from Madeline' Joes eyes widened. "'Madeline?!"
'Hey Joey I miss you I'm sorry for what I said please come back you're the only one for me.'
Joe rung her on the phone.
( J is Joe M is Madeline)
M: Hello?
J: Madeline why do you want me back now?
M: he broke up with me because he said I was too controlling do you believe that?!
J: well actually I could I put up with it for 2 years.
That moment Ben walked in "I forgot my-"
J: but I still love you Mads
M: I love you too.
Ben slowly walked back in the room before he finished his sentence.
J: but at the same time I don't Madeline you hurt me
M: that will never happen again I promise
Joe hung up with tears in his eyes. He shut off his ringer and blocked Madeline. He ran into his room and just let all the negative feelings wash out of him like a waterfall.
Little did he know Ben was doing the same thing. 'Why am I jealous? Wait no I'm not, I'm just mad he took advantage of me when he had a place to stay.' Ben cried and cried until he couldn't anymore.
(The next morning)
Bens sadness turned into anger the next morning. He was so done with Joes bull shit. Ben banged on Joes door loudly. "Yes?" Joe asked.
"Get the fuck out of my house!" Ben opened the door.
"What the hell Ben?! What did I even do?" Joe asked standing up quickly and defensively.
"Oh don't play that game Joe! You used me you piece of shit. I was nice to you! I payed for you to stay in that hotel and let you live in my house and this whole time you had a place to go. With who, your girlfriend?!" Ben started stripping the sheets and blankets from the bed.
"I don't even understand what you're talking about Ben this is fucked up." Joe grabbed his bag and quickly walked out of the house.
"Fuck you Ben!" Joe shouted before walking out the door. Joes face was so red from the anger he could barely concentrate.

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