Chapter 13

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(2 days later)
The doctor walked in the door. "All you need to do is sign the discharge papers." Joe grabbed the clipboard and signed the papers.
Ben brought Joe a fresh pair of clothes. "Ready to go home buddy?" Ben said.
"As ready as I'll ever be." Joe said sadly.
"Joey, you ok?" Ben hugged Joe tightly.
"Yeah, uh, I'm fine." Joe got out of the bed to change slowly but surely. Ben helped Joe walk there as for he was stiff from not walking in 2 days.
Ben pulled into the driveway. "I'm gonna help you to the couch and then make your bed alright." Joe nodded. Recovery was going to take a few days luckily because everything was minor. He constantly had a pounding headache but other than that he was alright.
Ben helped Joe to the couch and then went to his room to make his bed. As he made his bed the thought of being with Joe was more and more exciting. Ben just wanted to kiss him and tell him he loved him. At the same time he thought maybe it was just a phase. Ben shook his head and put new pillow cases on his pillows.
(The next morning)
Ben tiptoed into Joes room. "Sorry to wake you bud but here's your pain meds." Joe groaned and grabbed the pills from Bens hand and the glass of water by his table. "Ya know, I really appreciate you." Joe mumbled.
"It's nothing my friend, I would do anything for you." Ben grabbed the empty cup and walked back out of the room.
"Wait." Joe said.
"Yes?" Ben turned around.
"W-would you mind laying here for a second? I miss having you around to talk to." Joe smiled as he stretched.
"Oh, I- um, sure." Ben sat on the bed next to Joe.
"Ben, why do you not hate me for being this way?"
"What do you mean this way?" Ben asked.
"I mean I'm shy, weird, and perhaps a little depressed how do you deal with that? Why do you like me?" Joe responded.
"Because I see the goofy, funny, happy side of you." Ben smiled at Joe.
"Ok I'm sorry just wanted to ask you can leave if you want." Joe said quietly.
"Actually I would like to stay."
"You do?" Joe said.
"Yes." Ben layed on the bed. They just stared at the ceiling for a while. After a while Ben changed his attention to Joe. Joe turned his attention to Ben aswell. "Your eyes are quite colorful for brown eyes." Ben commented.
"Oh really? I've never noticed. I just see plain, brown eyes ya know." Joe shrugged.

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