Chapter 21

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*bang* Joe fell to the floor. "Joey!" Ben ran to the floor where Joe had fallen off the chair.
Ben picked Joe up and put him onto the couch. "Joe, honey?!" Ben cried. Ben was in a state of panicking he seemed just fine and all of a sudden he's on the floor. He quickly did the only thing he could think of and called 911.
Joe woke up in the hospital yet again. "W-where am I?" Joe cried in pain.
"Joey! You're awake! You're in the hospital." Ben grabbed Joe's hand.
"I'm not sure. You had a gash on your head. What happened Joey I know you're lying to me now?"
Joe was too confused to answer. "Lying to you a-about what?"
"You said you slipped Joey but that's clearly not the case. How did you get the gash?" Ben said calmly. "Please tell me Joey I'm worried about you."
"U-uh I." Joe couldn't hold it in anymore he burst into tears. Ben dug his head into Joe's chest. "You can tell me anything babe."
"B-but I can't." Joe sobbed. Ben brushed Joes hair lightly.
"Why would that be? Joey are you ok?"
Joe just sobbed and sobbed and couldn't get a word to come out of his mouth. Ben hugged Joe tightly hoping it would be comforting to him. "Even if you don't tell me I'm not leaving you ok? I love you."
Joe sighed of relief. "I-I love you too I'm sorry." Joe wiped the remaining tears off his face. "Ouch!" Joe's head started pounding. Ben stroked Joes head. "I can't thank you enough Ben. You care about me and I don't deserve this."
"You deserve everything good the world has to offer you Joey. You're my world." Ben smiled.
Joe felt a little better it had been a rough few days.
Joe had to stay overnight at the hospital. Paul's force really made Joe hit his head hard and they had to monitor wether or not there was internal bleeding. Ben had took work off to spend the night with him. Ben had been bothered knowing that Joe was in some kind of distress but knew if he were to keep approaching it wouldn't help. There Joe slept peacefully and weakly. "Whatever's going on Joey I hope you're ok." Ben whispered to himself with tears in his eyes.
Ben plopped on the uncomfortable, incredibly small couch in the hospital room. He was too worried to sleep so he just sat there staring at Joe to make sure he was safe.
*the next morning*
It was bright and early Joe woke up to the sound of his boyfriend crying. "Ben?" Joe stretched and sat up. Ben quickly sat up and wiped the tears off his face. "Morning babe sorry to wake you." 
"No, no you're fine are you ok?" Joe asked in a soft tone.
"I-I'm fine." Ben faked a smile. He got up and kissed Joe on the cheek. "Go back to bed why don't you? Hopefully we can get you out of here later today."
Joe laid back down. "I doubt it. According to them I need to be monitored even if there is no internal damage." Joe sighed.
"If worse comes to worse I'll surprise you. Something to look forward to." Ben put the blanket back on Joe. As Joe closed his eyes a notification from Paul popped up on his phone. 'Where are you?! I haven't gotten a response from you lately. Did you tell someone? I'm coming over.' Ben was confused as for what that meant. Joe quickly sat back up to the sound. "Joe what does 'did you tell someone?' mean?" Ben instantly thought the worst.
"Oh it's nothing it's about a private work thing." Joe lied.
"O-ok." Ben just tried to suck it up for Joe's sake. He's learned his lesson at this point. Maybe he was just over reacting.

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