Chapter 14

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(1 week later)
Joe was feeling much better and was getting back into the groove of normal life. The only problem is he had been feeling weird for a week now. Every since he came home from the hospital he was just depressed. It was hard to even get out of bed. He felt as if the world just wanted to vanish every bit of opportunity of freedom he could get.
Luckily every time Joe broke down and cried Ben was right there for him. Just holding him tightly.
It was morning and Joe was getting a cup of coffee in the kitchen. Ben wasn't awake and it was gloomy out. "Ah, what a nice way to start out the day, of course it's pouring." He poured the coffee into his cup. He sat on the couch. Joe was exhausted he had been crying half the night last night. He didn't want to wake Ben so he just suffered. He'd went to another interview a few days earlier and they also turned him down aware he had injured himself a few days before.
Joe felt like his life was slowly slipping away. His eyes were puffier than ever. Soon Ben came out into the living room. "Morning Benny." Joe said.
"Morning Joe- are you ok you look exhausted?"
Joe shook his head. "Yeah, I mean no but I'll be fine. Just a hard night that's all." Joe faked a little smile.
"Joe, were you crying last night and didn't come get me?" Ben sat next to Joe on the couch. "Well, yes but I didn't want to wake you up."
"Joey you can always wake me up! I want to help you until we talk to your doctor next week!" Joe started to tear up again. Ben hugged him tightly as Joe just dug his head into Bens chest. "Thank you so much Ben I don't know what I would do without you." Ben just kept hugging Joe.
"Benny, I think-." Joe accidentally slipped out.
"You think? Go on." Ben said calmly.
"I- oh shit um." Joes face turned red realizing he was about to tell Ben he loved him.
"Joey I'm listening you can tell me anything." Ben smiled at Joe.
"I- l-love someone." Joe said pulling away from Ben.
"Who would that be?" secretly on the inside Ben thought Joe was leaving again and he wouldn't love him back.
"I- his name is Ben." Joe looked down staring at his hands.
"M-me?" Ben asked.
Joe nodded.
"I- I think I l-love you too." Ben said trying to be calm.
"You do?" Joe asked.
Without another second being wasted Ben grabbed Joes face and kissed him. They both had been waiting for this moment for so long. As they pulled away Joe pulled in for another long kiss.
Joe blushed at the sight of the blushing man in front of him. "Does this means we can make this work?" Ben said smiling.
"I-I think so." Joe giggled with excitement.
"Joey I love you so, so much." Ben pulled Joe into a tight hug.
"I love you too."

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