Chapter 19

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*3 days later*
It had been 3 days since Paul had threatened Joe. He was noticeably more quiet and quite jumpy. "Joe honey, are you ok?" Ben said rubbing his back while they sat on the couch. Joe just sat there frozen, not saying a word. "Joe? Babe?" A tear rolled down Joes face.
"I-I'm fine." Joe said as he wiped the tears off his face. "You're obviously not fine. What's wrong?" Ben started to play with Joes hair and looked him in the eye.
"I don't want to talk about it." Joe said as he pulled away and walked into the bedroom.
"Joe?!" Ben followed him into the room. "What's your problem? I'm trying to help!" Ben snapped.
"Please just leave me alone." Joe laid in bed cuddled up to the blanket.
"Did I do something wrong? What?! What is it?! If I did something wrong you need to tell me." Ben shouted.
"For the love of God leave me alone!" Joe cried.
Ben walked out and slammed the door.
A million things rushed in Bens head. 'Did I say something wrong?'
'Did I propose too soon?'
'Does he think I'm not good enough for him?'
Those thoughts killed Ben. Little did Ben realize what had happened 3 days before.
Joe had been laying in bed rereading Paul's text for the past 2 hours. 'Joe, I swear to God if you tell anyone about what happened I will only make it worse. I will make your life hell. I can do anything from this point and your only choice is to listen to me.'
"Why does he have to do this to me?" Joe whispered to himself. *buzz*
*Rami is calling* Joe picked up the phone.
(R is Rami J is Joe)
J: Hello?
R: Hey bud how ya doin?
J: I-I'm ok
R: you sound like you've been crying. What's up?
J: Nevermind that what were you calling about?
R: Just wanted to check up on you and see if you wanted to go to the cafe with me tomorrow morning? With Ben perhaps? Lucy is coming and I though it would be fun.
J: I'd have to talk to Ben about that. I'll call you back later ok?
R: Ok bye Joe
Joe put down the phone and stared at the ceiling. He sighed at the thought of going out. Ben probably hated him now but he just wasn't ready to talk about it. "Hey Ben?" Joe shouted out from the room. No response.
"Ben?" Joe shouted again. Again, no response. Joe got out of bed and went to go check the living room. Ben was nowhere to be found. Joe grabbed his phone and texted Ben.
Joe: Ben where are you?
Ben: I'm hanging out with Gwilym I needed someone to talk to why?
Joe: Seriously?! You could've told me at least.
Ben: Well you OBVIOUSLY didn't want to talk
Joe: I was going to ask you something but never mind that shit.
Joe shut off his phone. "What an asshole." He mumbled to himself. Joe threw on his coat and walked out the door. He hopped into the car and headed to Rami's house.
Joe knocked on Rami's door quietly. "Who is it?" Rami shouted.
"It's Joe!" Joe replied.
"Oh, come on in!" Joe walked into the house. Rami's house was always unbelievable warm and cozy. "Sorry to bother you so late." Joe said.
"Ah, it's ok we were just about to have dinner care to join?" Rami asked.
"You're too kind but I'm not hungry thank you." Joe faked a smile.
"Where's Ben?" Rami was setting plates on the table.
"Long story." Joe put his coat on the coat rack.
"You guys fighting?" Rami asked.
"I guess so." Joe looked down.
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"I really don't want to explain right now it's just been a long day. Why don't we talk about something else?"
"Of course." Rami grabbed Joe a cup of water. "Here, drink this you look tired and sickly. I can tell you've been crying a lot."
Joe grabbed the water. "Thank you so much Rami." Joe smiled at him.
"I suppose you don't want to talk about that either?" Joe shook his head.
"I-I was just wondering if I could stay the night on your couch for the night? Me and Ben need a minute away from each other. Just for the night and that's it I'm gone." Joe seemed ashamed to be asking.
"Anytime Joe. Go ahead I'll grab some blankets."
"You're the best." Joe hugged Rami tightly he was so grateful to have a friend like Rami.

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