Chapter 20

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*7:00am the next morning*
Ben had been up all night with the worse headache. He had been crying about Joe all night. He never meant to snap and should've been more understanding. Ben grabbed his phone and tried calling Joe. No answer. 'Hey babe hope you're ok text me back please ❤️' Ben texted.
Joe had also been up all night. Paul had been texting him since 4 that morning. 'Meet me at the bar tonight or you'll regret it'
'I really don't wanna Paul please' Joe just wanted to go home and cry in Bens arms. Paul wanted to ruin everything. Joe was mentally worn out. He just wanted some peace at this point.
Life had been crazy and he was just ready to slow down. *ding* 'new message from Ben'
'Hey babe hope you're ok text me back please ❤️'
'What do you want?' Joe texted back wanting to say 'I miss you instead' but he was still mad at Ben for what he did.
'I just want to make sure you're ok'
Joe sighed. 'If I'm being completely honest I'd rather be in your arms rn 💔' Tears started rolling down Joe's cheek.
'Ily come home 😖❤️' Ben texted back.
Joe got up and texted Rami to let him know he was leaving. 'I'm heading home rn' Joe got into the car as fast as he could. He couldn't wait to be in the presence of his fiancé's warm comforting hug.
Ben had been looking out of the window waiting for Joe to pull in. After 20 minutes of waiting he finally pulled in. Ben ran out of the house. "I'm so, so sorry I shouldn't have snapped!" Ben cried and hugged Joe tightly.
"No I'm sorry it was me I just can't be open right now." Joe stroked Bens cheek.
"I love you." Ben smiled at Joe as Joe wiped his tears off his face.
"I love you more." Joe replied. Ben's face turned as red as a tomato. He couldn't help but blush at those words still. They walked into the house hand in hand.
"Look I'm not going to force you to talk about it right now but please if you need to talk please just tell me." Ben smiled warmly at Joe.
"I will it's just- right now- I can't really explain it." Joe looked down trying not to cry.
"Go get some rest." Ben kissed Joes forehead.
"I haven't slept all night I probably should can we cuddle I missed our cuddles?" Ben couldn't resist Joes innocent cute smile.
"Okay fine." Ben chuckled. The two cuddled into the bed and fell asleep into each other's arms.
*later that day*
*ding* 'New message from Paul'
'Bar, 7pm tonight. Do not ditch or you will be anything but happy'
"Who's that babe?" Ben said smiling at Joe.
"It's no one just the boss." Joe faked his smile.
'Ok....' is all Joe could respond. What does he mean 'anything but happy?' Was he going to hurt someone? Joe didn't want to find out. Ben and Joe has been snuggled up in the bed most of the day. "Don't tell me you have to go into work." Ben frowned.
"I don't want to but I have no choice." Joe lied.
"Don't let go of me." Ben kept pouting as he wrapped his arm around Joe tighter.
"I don't want to." Joe rested his head on Bens chest.
"What time?" Ben asked.
"7." Joe got out of the bed. It was 6pm he had to get ready.
"I'll see you later Benny." Joe kissed Ben on the forehead.
"I'm here' Joe texted.
'Good where are you?' Paul responded.
'Behind the bar'
Paul walked to the back of the bar and kissed Joe on the cheek. "Hi babe."
Joe cringed at those words. "H-hi." Joe didn't want to talk.
Paul started to touch Joes neck. "Paul, please-"
Paul continued and started to kissing his neck. "Please Paul- no." Joe started to cry. The distress in his voice was never convincing enough. Paul pressed his lips against Joes neck harder and harder. Joe gasped as it got tighter and tighter. "You've gotta stop you're hurting me." Joe cried out. Every time he pleaded Paul's grip just got worse and worse. "LET ME GO!" Joe shoved Paul. As Paul fell to his feet Joe started running. "Get back here Mazzello!" Paul was quick on his feet. Joe ran to a stop sign where Paul tackled him. Joe had hit his head on the pavement. "Now look what you've done!" Paul screamed. "You've made things worse on yourself and everyone else! Happy now?!" Paul started dragging Joe behind another building. "Please let me go." Joe begged. "I wanna go home."
Paul sat Joe on the ground. "Find your own way home don't be driving with a head like that." Joe's forehead was bleeding quite a bit. Paul walked away into the darkness. Joe started crying the pain was excruciating. He got up and managed to make it to his car. He opened the car mirror to see his injuries. "B-Ben can't see me like this." Joe grabbed tissues from his car cabinet and put it on his head. 'Heading home.' Joe texted Ben.
When he got home Ben had dinner made. "Honey are you ok what happened to your head?" Ben asked concerned.
"Yeah I'm ok just slipped on the mopped up floors is all." Joe sat down at the table.
"How was your day?" Joe asked trying to sound normal.
"You've only been gone for 3 hours Joey." Ben giggles.
"I'm sorry." Joe faked his laugh. He had lost track of time. This was effecting him in so many ways. Ben put a plate onto the table. "Here's dinner I'll be right back I'm going to grab us a drink." Ben walked up to go get a beverage. Joe was so dazed and out of it he didn't even notice the plate on the table. "Babe?" Ben asked.
Joe was still in some sort of daze. Within a second I everything turned black and quiet.

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