Chapter 18

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*authors note just cuz, sorry this story is all over the place I suck at writing but here we are 😌*

"How long have you two been together?" Rami asked.
"About 2-3 months." Joe responded.
"Only that long?" Brian said in shock.
"Yeah I know it's crazy but my impatient ass couldn't wait any longer." Ben joked.
"What about we head out to the bar for a few drinks?" Joe asked.
Everyone nodded.
Before anymore could be said there was yet another knocking on the door.
"Ben, babe did you invite anymore guest?" Joe implied.
"What, no you didn't either?"
Joe got up slowly to answer the door. Loan behold it was Paul. Paul shoved past Joe and walked on in. "Hello, who are you?" Ben asked.
"Why, you don't know me? I'm Paul, Joe's boss. I thought I'd stop by to say hello."
He threw his jacket onto the ground. "Joe could we have a moment?"
"What, why?" Joe responded.
"Just cause."
"Fine, but make this quick I'm so sorry guys." Joe and Paul walked into the bathroom.
"What do you want Prenter?!"
Paul threw his arm around Joe's waist and started kissing him. Joe tried to push him off with all his strength. No budging whatsoever.
Joe squealed as he struggled to gasp for air. Paul's grasp on Joes waist only got tighter, and tighter. Joe started to lose consciousness again as he did once before. Then luckily there was a knock at the door. "Joey, you ok in there?" Paul threw Joe onto the ground and turned around. "Sorry we were just rounding things up!" Joe stood up trying to regain balance. "Don't you tell anyone anything or it will be worse next time." Paul whispered.
He opened the door with a smile on his face. Everyone else had left and decided to go to the bar another night. "It's getting late I guess I'd better get going we will have to hang out more next time." Paul walked out the door glaring not too noticeably at Joe.

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