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Please note that because this is a Gang AU, there will be fights, gore, and drama!

       Chris's pov
      "This would've been easier if you had just complied." Felix stood up from the screaming man and sighed. Felix slowly shook his head before looking to me for confirmation. I chewed on my gum nonchalantly.

     "Pull it," I state, emotion far from my voice. Felix nodded enthusiastically and pulled the trigger of his pistol, his arm moving back slightly from its kick. The man who was once screaming now lay still on the hardwood floor of his house.

      "Come on, Felix, it's late enough. As much as it plagues me, we have to start college tomorrow." I say and carefully take the pistol from a slightly shaking Felix. I didn't want him too trigger happy; he may kill me for fun.

    Felix tapped the corpse with his foot, "For good measure!" He muttered to himself before following me out of the small house. I patted my pockets to check them.

     Keys, wallet, both handguns, the once stolen substance, and the money we received.

   I pulled my keys out of my pocket and unlocked the sleek, cherry red Mustang before getting into the towel-covered driver's seat. Felix sat in the passenger seat, it also has a towel.

   "Felix, please be careful with the blood all over you. We don't need any clues to trace back to us, that blood could be criminalizing." I mutter and pass him a hand towel and some cleaning wipes. He pulls the mirror down and quickly cleans himself up.

   I turn the Mustang on and smoothly drive away from the scene we left. I tapped the steering wheel to the beat of the radio, not really bothered by the fact we had taken yet another life.

    Yes, another life. Felix and I were the ring leaders of Seoul's most renowned mafia, Stray Kids. It isn't easy to continue work with the cops always chasing us, but it was such a rush! Running away constantly, hearing the screeching sound of their sirens and distressed screams once we lose them.

    The police aren't the only ones we are at battle with— our greatest competitor always seemed a step ahead of us. The Neo City clan was always trying to take Stray Kids' spot and have a higher reputation.

   Stray Kids will never falter in the face of a challenge. Never. We keep ourselves as emotionless as possible, not wanting the agony of contracting Hanahaki because our emotions took control. My members knew once they got it, it would be a death sentence.

   It's virtually impossible to keep anyone else safe in this mess of a life we chose. We knew what we were getting ourselves into, but I didn't as I woke up the next morning.

   The sun's overly bright beams of light seeped through my eyelids and forced me awake after the four hours of sleep I had gotten.

   I peeled the blanket from my body groggily before getting out of the bed. I scratched my scalp as I stumbled into the connecting bathroom. I washed my face and brushed my teeth and hair, then left the bathroom to wake up my members.

   I wandered into each bedroom to wake the seven boys. "Wake up, we have school," I told them as I gently shook them. They all walked into their bathrooms to get ready for their first day at this new college.

  I pulled on the school uniform and grabbed my backpack before sitting in my Mustang to wait for the two who would get in with me.

   A few minutes later, Jisung, Minho, and I got into my Mustang. Felix had Seungmin, Changbin, and Hyunjin in his deep blue mustang. Felix and I then drove the eight of us to a random college we enrolled in.

   "Alright boys, we're here!" I exclaimed as I parked my car. We grabbed our bags and stepped out of the car; I pushed the lock button on my key fob to securely lock my car.

     Wouldn't want anyone to find anything they shouldn't!

     I walk into the college first, my binder, and a few papers in my arms. "Let's g—" I was cut off as I ran into another student.

     "Hey! Watch where you're going!" I coldly state as I looked up from my fallen belongings. My gaze soon rose to see a smaller boy looking at me with a shy smile on his lips.

    "I'm sorry!" He apologized then tried to help me pick up my papers. My anger faded into false happiness as I looked back at the smaller student.

    "Eh, it's okay, don't worry about it!" I smiled sweetly, "My name's Chris, what's yours?"

    "Jeongin. Are you guys new here? I've never seen you around before." Jeongin asked, tilting his head a little.

    "Yeah, we just moved here actually. Would you know where room 212 is?" I questioned, showing Jeongin my schedule.

    "Yep! It's my first class today, so I can walk with you. Do you know where your classes are?" Jeongin asked the six boys who watched us with wide eyes. They shook themselves out of the shock and muttered a chorus of "No" and "Not really."

   "Well, I guess you found the right person! I know the school like the back of my hand, so I can lead you to your classes too!" Jeongin offered with a bright smile on his round cheeks.

    "Are you sure? What if you're late to class?" Jisung inquires and shifts his backpack.

    "I'm on student council; it's what I do! My teachers will understand if I'm late, and if any of you are late— but only for the first two weeks! After that, you could get scolded." Jeongin replies and looks over everyone's class schedules.

    "Cool! We all have lunch together!" Jeongin exclaims before regaining composure. "Class starts in ten minutes; let's get to class!"

   "Lead the way, Jeongin!" I smile and move forward. He grins back and nods as he takes off down the hall; the seven of us following him like lost puppies.

   Jeongin leads the other six to their first classes before turning back to face me. He tilted his chin upwards some to look me in the eyes. I was a bit taller than him, probably several inches taller, so he looked up.

   "Shall we get to the music class, Chris?" Jeongin joked and softly tugged my free hand. I couldn't help but truly smile back at him; he was adorable!

    Wait Chris, no feelings, no ties, no Hanahaki Forget it! He wouldn't be worth losing; stay cold to him.

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