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    Jeongin's pov

   "Why am I so stupid? I would have expected that since I was kidnapped, I'd be a lot smarter on these things. However, I'm still dumb. I left college to lead a gang, a gang I blindly trusted and loved. Now I have a rat, three injured, and another leader chasing me. What do I do, guys?" I cried my issues into Jaehyun's chest.

   "I couldn't even be smart enough to see that one of my members hates me, and now three are hurt. I couldn't even be good enough to keep them safe! Dad was right, I'm not ready. I can't lead properly. I'm a mistake." I sobbed.

   "Jeongin, you aren't a mistake! I'm the one who did this for a date, you couldn't have seen it coming. I'm sorry, please don't cry." Bang Chan spoke softly as he knelt beside me.

"Get away from me! You need to fix this mess you've made before I break you instead!" I sobbed as I childishly held onto Johnny and Jaehyun's pants legs. Sicheng rocked Jeongin softly in his arms.

"No, I have to be strong!" I exclaimed and stood up despite my body yelling for me to fall back to Sicheng's lap. My body wavered as I grabbed Bang Chan by his shirt collar.

"If they don't make it, be prepared for a storm, Chris. It's an eye for an eye, a member for a member. I love these boys as if they were my own kids, and I'm guessing you feel the same with Stray Kids. Get ready, Vixx will be waiting." I snarled and tossed him backwards slightly.

"They won't die—" Chan said before a group of Emts walked into the wreckage. They gasped at the gory sight of San, Wooyoung and Hongjoong. They quickly collected the trio and wheeled them out. They shouted words I couldn't comprehend as they left.

"But if they do, be ready. It's an eye for an eye, and you get to watch!" I exclaimed crazily. Bang Chan gulped and scratched his head.

"You won't hurt my boys, you're soft, Jeongin-" I pulled out my gun and cocked it. I pointed it at the wall above his head and shot it.

"I won't hesitate. If I can shoot myself and Sicheng, I can shoot someone I dislike. Next one goes in your skull." I smiled sweetly. He nodded his head quickly.

"I'm going to go plan our date! See you tomorrow at six!" Bang Chan exclaimed happily and ran out of the room. His gang members fearfully followed him. I sighed and shook my head.

"What do I wear to a date?" I asked softly. The older boys quickly picked me up and dragged me to my bedroom.

After almost an hour of changing clothes and hating the outfits, they stopped. They handed me a pastel blue sweater and white jeans. I pulled the clothes on and gave them a tired smile.

They looked at each other and nodded their heads.

"This is the one!" Jaehyun exclaimed and wiped a fake tear from his eyes. He patted my shoulders then gave me a tight hug.

"My little boy is all grown up!" He fake sobbed onto my shoulder. I laughed quietly and patted his back.

The next morning, I awoke to someone shaking my body. I groaned and rolled away from their hands.

"Just let me sleep." I whined and covered my head with the blanket. I was beaten with a pillow.

"Wake Up you lazy butt you have a date in two hours!" Jaehyun exclaimed as he yanked my blanket off of my body. I shivered from the cool air that froze my skin.

Jaehyun pulled me away from the bed and into the bathroom. I found a set of clothes on the sink beside towels and a wash cloth. I rolled my eyes playfully and took off my sleepwear.

I turned the warm water on and stepped under the stream, sighing in content. I quickly grabbed my bottle of shampoo and scrubbed my hair clean of the dirt and mess from yesterday.

I rinsed my hair out then applied conditioner. I grabbed my loofa and body wash and gently washed my body, being wary of the few wounds I just noticed I received. The soap burned as it got into the wounds.

I hissed at the pain and quickly rinsed them off. I rinsed my hair again, then rang out some of the water. I turned the faucet off.

I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist, then stepped out of the shower. I dried my hair, then noticed Sicheng sat in a chair at the sink. He stood up and walked closer to me.

"I promised myself I couldn't, but I do." Sicheng muttered then kissed my lips deeply. I stood shocked for a minute before I let myself fade into the kiss.

His hands gently held my waist, then began to wander over my chest and back as we kissed. My hands wrapped around his shoulders as I toyed with his blonde hair.

His fingers landed on my nipples. He gently pinched them and elicited a few groans out of me into our kiss. My mind was hazy and fuzzy as we continued to make out.

I moaned as Sicheng sucked and bit at my sweet spot on my neck. He was surely going to leave a bruise in its wake.

I pulled his head away from my neck and reconnected his lips with mine. His hands reached for the towel on my hips.

"Not ready!" I exclaimed as I pulled away from the kiss. I tightened the towel and backed away from the Chinese male.

"But your—"

"Leave it. Sicheng, what was that?" I asked, my breathing heavy. He smiled at me.

"I like you, Jeongin. I was showing you how I felt." Sicheng mumbled apologetically. I ruffled his hair.

"I have a date today! I can't show up with this hickey on my neck! He'll kill me, Sicheng!" I whined and stared at the darkening bruise.

"Well, now he knows he has competition for your heart. Now, let's get you ready." He sighed.

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