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     Jeongin's pov

   "That school uniform can't be very comfortable, can it? Do you want other clothes to change into before dinner?" Johnny asked as he motions towards the gray blazer I'm wearing. I slowly shook my head in a silent response.

   "I thought so." Johnny began as he gently sat me onto the bed. He sleepily stumbles to his closet and digs through his shirts and pants.

    "My clothes might be a bit too big on you.. if you don't want to wear them I'm sure Taeyong would let you wear his."

   "I'll be okay in yours." I replied and stretched. I yawned and tried to fix my hair.

    "The bathroom is through that door. Dinner is in half an hour so you can shower if you want to. Towels are under the sink." Johnny states and passes me a dark shirt and some sweat pants with a draw string.

   I thanked Johnny and quickly took a shower. I tied the string as tight as it would go, but they were still a little loose. I walked out in the clothes I was given and towel dried my hair.

   "You look so little in my clothes!" Johnny exclaimed from his seat on his bed. He placed a mark in his book and closed it.

   I smiled brightly at Johnny, who walked closer and ruffled my hair. My bangs fell in my eyes slightly and I tried to blow them back. I pouted and scrunched my nose seeing that they wouldn't stay back.

   Johnny laughed then gently combs my bangs to the side with his fingers. He gently squeezed my cheek then pulled me to follow him.

   "It's time to meet the rest!" Johnny says and leads me down the stairs. Before we could make it downstairs fully, a hand roughly pulls me away from Johnny.

   "Ooh Johnny, you've brought home a guy to play with? I must say, he is quite cute." The blue haired male says and pulls my back to his chest. He wraps his arms around my waist and leans his head on my shoulder.

   I sigh loudly before sharply elbowing the unknown male in the stomach as hard as I could. He inhaled and loosened his grip slightly before tightening it.

   "Oh, you're a feisty one, aren't you?" He laughs a little and softly bites my earlobe. I grimaced and tried to move away.

   "Knock it off, Doyoung!" Johnny warns as he comes back up the stairs.

   "Or what? You'll tell Taeyong I'm messing with the new one? I'm just having a little fun!" Doyoung sneered. His lips met my neck, harshly biting and sucking the skin. 

    "Nope. I'll tell Taeyong you've hurt Jeongin." Johnny replies.

    "Oh no! I've hurt Jeongin! Whatever shall I do?" Doyoung snorts.

   "Doyoung, not a single scratch was to come to Jeongin— Taeyong's orders. That makes two people to have brought harm to him in the hour he's been awake. What will Taeyong—our boss, mind you— say when he sees the bite marks you're leaving?"

    "Hmph, you're no fun!" Doyoung exclaims and pushes me back to Johnny.

   "I'd keep the door locked at night, Johnny. We don't want the little cutie getting caught." Doyoung laughs and walks towards the kitchen.

   "Are you okay, Jeongin?" Johnny asks once we were alone again. He looks at my ear and neck to see the couple marks Doyoung managed to leave in such a short amount of time.

   "It's nothing I haven't come across before; I'm fine!" I tried to smile as I clenched my shaking hands. I took slow, calming breaths and tried to calm down.

   "Taeyong is gonna be so mad..." Johnny mutters and lightly traces the imprints and bruising. Johnny pulls me to his chest and holds me close. He runs his fingers through my damp hair before placing a chaste kiss to the crown of my head.

   He quickly pulls away with a blush coating his cheeks. "I— I'm sorry! Let's just get down to dinner." Johnny squeaked then quickly leaped down the stairs.

   "Johnny!" I whined then followed him. I didn't watch where I was going and missed the bottom step completely. I landed on my butt hard and I groaned.

   "That looked like it hurt." A guy around my age says then holds out his hand. I take his hand and get up with his help.

   "I'm Mark, and assuming from what I overheard, you're Jeongin?" Mark asks and sticks his hands in his hoodie pocket.

   "Yeah, that's me. Did you see where Johnny ran to? He left me on the stairs." I pouted and crossed my arms.

   "He's in the kitchen with Taeyong. They're yelling at Doyoung and Jaehyun for hurting you. Speaking of, how do you have our coldest assassin and boss wrapped around your finger? What makes you so special that they both wish you to be treated like glass?"

"I'm not really sure how or why, but maybe because of who I was with before holds significance?" I hesitantly ask. This piqued Mark's interest and his eyes widened.

    "Who were you with before? Were you with Exodus? Bangtan?" Mark fired questions quickly and stepped closer.

   "I don't really know what clan he's from, but Taeyong called him... Bang Chan? Yeah, Bang Chan!" I nodded and smiled as I remembered Chris. My smile fell and worried rose to my face.

   "Do you think Chris is okay? Taeyong knocked him out pretty hard." I muttered. "Taeyong said he would be, he even texted the others to come to get him, but I'm still not too sure."

   "If Taeyong gave you his word then that's it. He said Bang Chan would be okay and he will be— Wait a minute! Did you say Bang Chan?" Mark tried to clarify.

   "Yeah, why? What's wrong with that?"

   "You must really love danger, Jeongin. Not only do you have Neo City's top two, but you also have Bang Chan." Mark Out emphasis on 'Bang Chan.'
   "Jeongin, Bang Chan runs Stray Kids. You've got Seoul's toughest two gangs in the palms of your hands!"

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