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Jeongin's pov

Chris can't be Stray Kids' leader, can he? He's so kind, though! I guess not everyone is as they seem..

"Chris isn't really in a Gang, right? He isn't Bang Chan, right? Please tell me he isn't the one behind the destruction of the once-beautiful Daegu." I begged Mark.

Mark's eyes softened as he met my eyes. "He is, Innie. Chris is the fake name he chose for himself to stay undercover with. Bang Chan is his gang name. No one truly knows who he is, probably not even he himself."

I laughed a little. "Nah, that can't be right. I'm just going to go find Johnny; see you later, Mark." I patted Mark's shoulder then walked towards the kitchen filled with loud voices.

"—A single scratch!" Taeyong yelled at the two males who had their heads lowered. "If what Johnny says checks out, you're back to doing milk runs!"

"What? No!" Jaehyun yelled. "I worked so hard to become a sniper! I can't go back to selling drugs for you! It's shameful, Taeyong!"

"It's either sell them, or leave Neo City." Taeyong says calmly before he noticed my appearance. His eyes flicked to my neck. He slowly stalked closer to me before he titled my head to see the imprints Doyoung left.

"Kim Doyoung, you are free to leave. Pack your bags, you're through." Taeyong hissed.

"Taeyong is any of that really necessary? Do you really have to kick him out? It's just a few bites; I've been through worse." I muttered and pulled his hands away from my throat.

Doyoung's eyebrows furrowed and he looked at me in confusion. "Why are you standing up for me, kid? Why do you care what happens to me after what I did to you?"

"People who have lived kindness-filled lives do not join Gangs, Doyoung. I don't know your story, but I imagine it can't be all rainbows with rose pathways." I smile.

I walk to Doyoung and wrap my arms around him. "People make mistakes sometimes, and that's okay. Well, it's only okay if they learn from their mistakes and never repeat them." I concluded.

I pulled away from Doyoung and stood in the center of the four males. "Any person, I don't care who, who makes the same mistake and causes me pain will receive no mercy from me. Not even you four, not even Chris. I may not be the tallest nor the strongest, but I will make sure they pay." I sweetly say with a smile on my face.

"Do I make myself clear, guys?" I ask, the smile still had yet to falter.

   "Crystal clear, Jeongin." Taeyong says before turning back to Jaehyun and Doyoung.

    "You heard Jeongin; it would be him to make you pay if it happens again. He may not be a Neo City member, but I won't stop him from doing anything." Taeyong shrugged.

   "Taeyong, will you answer my questions now? I fell asleep in the car before I could ask them before." I quietly asked. How quickly my mood could change shocked the four of them.

   "Yeah, sure, what do you want to know?" Taeyong replied and slumped into a kitchen chair. I sat in the chair beside him and turned to face him.

   "Is Chris really okay? I heard how hard you hit him with the butt of your gun, and it didn't sound too good." I began. Jaehyun and Doyoung exited the kitchen quietly while Johnny came to sit beside me.

   "I didn't aim to break his skull, only to knock him out for a moment. He is awake by now and should be contacting me any second now. I gave you my word, and it proves true; Bang Chan is alive with only a minor bruise on his head." Taeyong calmly replied.

   "Is Chris really Stray Kids' leader?"  I asked.

   "Yep." Taeyong says, popping the p.

    I laughed a little. "Don't lie to me, Taeyong. Please."

    "Taeyong isn't lying, Jeongin. Your friend Chris is the infamous Bang Chan. He is Stray Kids' emotionlessly cruel leader." Johnny mutters and soothingly rubs circles on the back of my hand with his thumb.

    Taeyong's cellphone buzzed— a phone call. He answered the call and put it on speaker. He motioned for us two to be silent.

   "Lee Taeyong, I know you have Jeongin. I know how you got him and when, but not why. Why did you have to take Jeongin? It's me you're wrong with! Leave him out of this." Chris shouts through the phone speaker.

   "Now now, is that any way to talk to me? I am sheltering the boy well, but that could turn soon based on your replies." Taeyong replies with a sing-song voice.

   "Jeongin doesn't want to be with you and Neo City! What do you want in return?"

    "Who are you to say what he does and doesn't want? He went with me and was excited, Channie. Maybe Jeongin just isn't the innocent little puppy you thought he was."

   "There's no way he would go with you! Not willingly, at least! You're leading a gang, Taeyong! It isn't safe for him to be with you!"

   "Oh and he's oh-so safe with you? You're Seoul's most renowned mafia boss; you'd have him in way more danger."

   "I'd always get him out of it, though! I could keep him safe— I can keep him safe!"

    "But what if you're not who he wants to protect him?"


   "Exactly. You know Jeongin— or any other person for that matter— doesn't like being sheltered by people they don't want. What if Jeongin feels more at home with Neo City than he does Stray Kids? You'd have to respect his choices, right?"

   "I'm not sure if I could, Taeyong. He may not know it yet, but he's much safer with Stray Kids."

    "Well then, how about you ask Jeongin yourself? You can see for yourself if Jeongin wishes to be with you, or with us." Taeyong says then passes the phone my way.

    "Jeongin can hear me?! Innie, please come home, we miss you!"

    "Bang Chan, I want to stay with Neo City."

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