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3rd pov

"Guys, it's been long enough. I don't think the eight of us are enough to get Jeongin back." Chris sighed and lightly tugged his hair. He placed his sleep-deprived face into his palms and laid his head in the desk.

"Chris, what are you saying? We're the strongest mafia in South Korea!" Jisung exclaims and whacks the desk Chris rested his head.

Chris slowly lifted his head with a sad expression. He gave a bittersweet smile as his eyes slightly watered. He inhaled deeply before replying.

"Neo City has nearly forty main members. We are only eight. Our numbers don't pan out for our favor. We're gonna have to call in that favor for Exodus and possibly Kard. We need more people or else something could go wrong, and we lose Jeongin. We can't risk it, guys."

"Chan, you're not thinking clearly. Why on earth should we ask Kard? They're such a low level!" Changbin whined and lightly shook Chris's shoulders.

"But Jseph is one of the best assassins in Seoul. We need him, at least." Chris stands up and begins pacing the room, his eyebrows furrowed as he thinks up a plan.

"Hyunjin, call Exodus and tell them we need them- now. Seungmin, call Kard. We need them here as soon as possible, for Jeongin's sake. Once they get here, we can create a plan." Chris explains, looking very stressed.

"Will do, Chris." The pair replied and pull out their cellphones. They begin quietly conversing with the leaders.

"This will go down as soon as everyone is filled in, quite possibly before Friday— three days from now. Boys, don't lose, Jeongin needs us." Chris states.

Jeongin's pov

The older male's voice brought back memories, both sweet and bitter. We used to play tag in our front yard; we made cookies together for mom's birthday; he would check for monsters in my closet before I went to bed.

His voice reminds me of a time of being scared, hopeless, depressed. He is the man who raised me. He is the man who abandoned me with Kard. This man's identity though?

My father, Taekwoon Jung. He left me stranded with Kard, he watched my mother die; now he's in my life again?

He's alive?

"Dad?" I quietly ask from Johnny's grasp. Johnny senses my fear and holds me tighter. My eyes began to sting as new tears flourished. My eyes began to glisten.

"Jeongin! Johnny, take him back upstairs- quickly! Don't let him hurt Jeongin more than he has!" Taeyong loudly barks.

"He's my son, Taeyong! I want him back!" Taekwoon lowly exclaims. He rose from the couch and took a step towards Johnny and me.

"The second you abandoned him with Kard, you lost that title! What kind of father leaves their child with a gang?!" Johnny intercepts and gently pulls my face closer to his neck to shield me.

"Please, stop yelling!" I quietly beg. My plea went unnoticed by the trio, who continued to yell.

"I never abandoned him! I tried constantly to get him back! I even took the position as leader of Vixx from N to try to get him!" Taekwoon loudly explains.

"Well, you sure as heck didn't try very hard! I took him away from Bang Chan in under ten minutes! Bang Chan, Taekwoon! The friggen leader of Stray Kids! Seoul's most dangerous mafia!" Taeyong shouts and pulls Taekwoon back by his shirt.

"There's no way Jeongin would be with Stray Kids! Jeongin is way too kind to be near such vicious teenagers!" Taeyong quickly cut Taekwoon off.

"Jeongin is friends with the gang! He already has Bang Chan head-over-heels for him. It hasn't even been a week!

I shifted anxiously in Johnny's arms before jumping down. I turned to face my father.

"Do you even know what kind of hell I was put through? I wasn't properly fed or hydrated, only enough to keep me alive. I stayed in a pitch-black bedroom with just a mattress on the floor." I tearfully began. The heavy memories finally resurfacing after years of repression.

"The only human contact I received was beatings. The only words I heard were cruel. They are vile people I never want to meet again. Another vile person I never wanted to see again is you!" I exclaimed then sprinted upstairs hastily.

Fiery tears rushed down my cheeks restlessly.

"Mark? Are you up here? I need you." I sobbed as I ran to the bedroom corridor on the third floor.

A bedroom door swung open to reveal a sleepy Jaehyun. His eyes widened seeing my tearful eyes and wet cheeks.

"Jeongin, what's wrong? Are you okay?" He asked as he gently pulled me into his bedroom. He leads me to sit down on his slightly messy bed.

"Jaehyun, I know we just met and all on kinda rough terms, but I don't know anyone else to turn to." I cried. The tears dripped down onto my lap as I spoke.

"Hey, hey, it's okay, Jeongin. Come here, kiddo." Jaehyun softly says and opens his arms. I rush into his outstretched arms and weep into his chest. My tears soaked his bare chest as I wrapped my arms around his back.

He envelops me in his strong arms and soothingly runs his fingers through my hair. He whispers calming words into my ears to calm me down as he gently rocks us back and forth.

   "Can-can you please lock the door? Please?" I whimpered. Jaehyun softly moved me off of him and quickly shut and locked his bedroom door.

   "What's wrong Jeongin? Are you missing Bang Chan? I can get his number—" I cut Jaehyun's rant off.

   "My father is downstairs." I slowly began, tears slipping down my cheeks.

    "Isn't that a great thing, though?" Jaehyun asks as he wraps his arms back around me.

   "I thought he was dead, Jaehyun."

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