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Jeongin's pov

"I thought he was dead, Jaehyun. I haven't seen him since I was ten, but now here he is! He's downstairs fighting with Taeyong and Johnny!" I sobbed.

  "Jeongin if they're both down there fighting your dad, why are you up here cowering? You should—"

    "Don't tell me what I should and should not do, Jung Jaehyun. I may be younger and smaller than you but I will not hesitate!" I took a few deep breaths to steady myself. I wiped my tears on my cheeks as my eyelids fell heavy.

Third pov

"Okay, okay, I understand. But it's midnight, shouldn't you be asleep by now?" Jaehyun muttered, though it fell on deaf ears as light snores left Jeongin's lips.

Jaehyun just smiled softly at the younger boy before laying him onto the bed. Jaehyun pulled the covers over Jeongin before quietly leaving the room.

Jaehyun knocked on a bedroom door two rooms down. 

"Doyoung, Taeil, can you watch Jeongin for a minute?" Jaehyun asked once the wooden door swung open.

"Why do we have to watch him? He's almost twenty isn't he?" Doyoung sleepily asked as he combed through his bed head with his fingers. He yawned quietly just as Taeil stumbled behind him.

"I need to go downstairs as a problem has arisen, but this can be your chance to make it up to him for what you did this morning," Jaehyun replied then gently grabbed one of Doyoung's wrists and one of Taeil's.

"Come on." Jaehyun whined, "You can sleep in my bed, but just make sure no one else gets in that bedroom beside our members."

Jaehyun pulled the pair towards his bedroom— making sure they entered and locked the door— before descending the stairs.

"Just give it up, Taekwoon! He's an adult now, you can't boss him around anymore!" Johnny exclaims as he stops the older man from going upstairs. Johnny's hair is messed up and his face red from concealed anger.

"No, I'll never give up! I've been looking for him for years, Neo City!"

"If you were, why did you find him in my gang instead of the college he is enrolled to? Why didn't you find the crappy apartment he can barely pay for? Why didn't you find any of his past medical records?" Taeyong questions as he keeps an iron grip on the other leader. Jaehyun walks over beside Taeyong and helps hold Taekwoon still.

"What do you mean? Jeongin can't possibly live like that! And what medical records? Jeongin has always been a healthy boy!" Taekwoon asks, looking thoroughly confused.

"Sit down, Taekwoon, it's quite a lot." Taeyong mutters as he and Jaehyun lead him to a couch. Taekwoon sits down on the couch and waits for the younger leader to explain.

"Taekwoon, Jeongin hasn't been healthy, nor happy, since he was ten; since he was abandoned to Kard. When they finally let him go, he was severely wounded and scarred both mentally and physically.—" Johnny cut Taeyong off.

"He has a large scar that leads from his hip to his belly button, Taekwoon. That couldn't have been accidental."

"As I was saying, once Jeongin was freed, he was hospitalized. Then, once he healed physically, he was placed into a psychiatric hospital for a few months following his discharge. He got out, only to have to return two years later." Taeyong somberly states. Johnny and Jaehyun both felt their eyes water at the story.

   "He- he tried to kill himself, didn't he?" Taekwoon asked after a moment of silence. Taeyong nodded his head.

  "He tried to overdose on the antidepressants and anxiety reducers he was prescribed. To my knowledge, he hasn't tried again since, though he still takes them regularly. Wait— Johnny! We don't have his medicines! If we don't get them to him- and quick- he'll go through withdrawal!" Taeyong exclaims.

   "Oh god— Taeyong text me his address I'll go get them!" Johnny cries as he leaps from the couch. He grabs a set of car keys from the wall next to the front door and leaves.

   "Jaehyun, take Jeongin some pain relievers and have him take them. A withdrawal headache is the worst kind of headache." Taeyong commands the younger. Jaehyun nods his head and leaves to do as he was told.

   "Taekwoon, I do believe storytime is over. You have not been around for the last decade of his life, so don't come in now on your own. I'll give him your number, and if he wants to call you he will." Taeyong mutters and pulls the man off the couch.

   "I'm not done yet!"

    "You're incorrect, you are finished. Bye bye~" Taeyong grins and shuts the front door.

    "Jeongin, wake up for a minute, kiddo." Jaehyun mutters as he gently shakes the boy awake.

   "Why? Did I do something wrong?" Jeongin timidly asks as he sleepily looks at his folded hands. He brought one hand up and rubbed his eyes.

    "No, no you aren't in trouble. How does your head feel, though?" Jaehyun softly asks as his hands gently move the bangs away from Jeongin's tired eyes.

   "It hurts," Jeongin whined and squinted his eyes. "I think I cried too much today."

    "Here, take these then." Jaehyun mutters and places the pills in Jeongin's palm. He then gives him the bottle of water, which Jeongin guzzles down.

   "Thank you, Jaehyun. Not just for the pills, but for helping me calm down." Jeongin whispers as he places his hand over Jaehyun's. Jaehyun gives Jeongin a sweet smile.

   "I can see now why Johnny fell for you so quickly," Jaehyun muttered. Jaehyun holds Jeongin's hand just as he notices the pair of males asleep on both sides of himself.

   "Jaehyun, why is Doyoung and Taeil in your bed with me?" He quietly asks as his eyes scan over the two sleeping guys.

   "I had them watch you while I went downstairs in case Johnny and Taeyong needed help."

   "I'm not a kid, but thank you, Jae." Jeongin says as he wraps his arms around Jaehyun's shoulders. Jaehyun tightly returns the hug just as they hear Doyoung yawn. Jaehyun nudges the pair, who then walk out hand in hand.

   "Jaehyun?" Jeongin begins. He continued once he heard said male hum.

   "Can I stay with you tonight? Please?" Jeongin asks as he looks into the older male's eyes hopefully.

   "Yeah, Johnny will be out for a little while anyway. What's the harm?"

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