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Third-person pov

Taeyong carelessly slid his pistol back into his pocket before setting his vision on Jeongin's paralyzed form.

"You'll be such a fun toy to add to my collection!" Taeyong exclaimed before pulling out a cloth and stepping over Chris's unconscious body.

"You can either come with me willingly or be forced. Which will it be, Jeongin?" He asked and shook the cloth.

Jeongin sat still for a minute before peering up at Taeyong with false confidence. "I'll go silently if you answer my questions on the way."

"Ugh, you toys are all the same. Are you gonna ask why I'm doing this? Why I lead a mafia? Why I'm taking you?"

"No, I want to know other information; some that isn't so trivial." Jeongin stands up from the floor. He dries his face completely before lowering his gaze to Chris.

"Before I go with you, I want absolute certainty Chris will be in safe hands with his friends." Jeongin demands.

"You're in no position to demand anything, little mouse. You've met a lion, and quite honestly, you're starting to anger him." Taeyong growled and stepped closer to Jeongin.

"I'm shaking!" Jeongin mutters, his façade stood strong.

     "Will Chris be okay or not?" Jeongin kneels beside Chris and runs his fingers through the latter's frizzed hair.

Taeyong huffed before clenching his eyes closed tightly. "You have my word, little mouse." Taeyong replies then picks up Chris' phone. He types for a moment before sitting the phone on Chris' chest.

"His friends will be here in ten, so let's get going. You can ask your questions on the way, but don't make me too angry. The last toy to anger me was trashed."

Taeyong grasps Jeongin's wrist with a surprising gentleness. His grip was tight, but not tight enough to hurt Jeongin. Jeongin was shocked for a minute before allowing himself to be dragged away from his new friend.

Taeyong pulled Jeongin towards a black van and pushes Jeongin towards it. "Hop in between Johnny and Yuta."

Jeongin did as he was told and slid the side door open. Yuta rolls his eyes and gets out of the car. The former gets in and buckles his seatbelt. This makes Taeyong laugh to himself quietly.

"He's a cutie Taeyong, but why him?" Johnny asked. "What's special about this one?"

"He's Bang Chan's boy; I just couldn't resist snatching him!" Taeyong smirks then begins to drive farther and farther away from the safety of the college.

"Sorry cutie, but I've got to bind your arms and feet and blindfold you. We can't have you getting loose or knowing where we're going now, can we?" Yuta grins and pulls rope from under his seat.

"Don't hurt him, Yuta. He's... different from my other toys. Although he knows he's being kidnapped, he isn't screaming or crying or demanding to be free. But why?" Taeyong asks Jeongin.

"Simple: depression sucks and I was just waiting for darkness to envelop me. But now I'm being whisked away by a Mafia and I'm honestly kinda excited. Let's get this show on the road, y'all!" Jeongin exclaims.

Taeyong's smirk faltered. "Yuta, leave him be." For the first time in quite a while, Taeyong was feeling regret.

"Jeongin, this isn't personal; I'm just aiming for Chan." Taeyong mumbles and peers at Jeongin through the rear view mirror.

Jeongin shrugs his shoulders and leans his head on his seat's headrest. "I haven't gotten much sleep for the past few days; wake me up when we're there." He muttered then tried to fall asleep.

Once the trio were sure Jeongin was asleep, they began to quietly talk amongst themselves.

"Taeyong, what do we do? We've never kidnapped anyone who was so calm and genuinely excited to be taken before." Yuta asks.

"I... I don't know, Yuta. Maybe we let him have some fun for a few days before contacting Stray Kids? Whatever we do, Jeongin shall not endure a single scratch, do you both hear me? Not. A. Single. Scratch."

The pair nodded their heads before settling their eyes on the sleeping male nestled between them. Johnny carefully places a light blue blanket over the napping Jeongin. A small smile rose to Jeongin's lips as he snuggled into the blanket and rolled his head onto Johnny's broad shoulder.

Johnny could feel his heart skip a beat.

Chris' pov

"ris... Chris... Wake up, Chris!" I heard a muffled voice shout before I was slapped awake. I pulled my taser out and groggily wave it around.

"Where's Jeongin? I thought you ran after him?" Hyunjin asks and helps me sit up.

I felt my blood run cold. My heart stopped. I sobered up from the daze and scan the room. Jeongin was nowhere in sight.

I jumped up from the floor and began slamming stall doors open, shouting for Jeongin.

"Neo City has Jeongin." I say.

"Neo City has Jeongin!" I scream then try to run out of the crowded bathroom. Hyunjin and Jisung held my arms and kept me in place.

"Chris, calm down! You're letting your emotions take reign. Breathe." Seungmin soothingly rubbed my back in an effort to calm my raging thoughts.

"Chris, you can't just run around, guns blazing in search of him. You need a plan— and a good one at that!" Felix reasoned. I fell limp in Jisung and Hyunjin's arms.

A single, burning hot tear rolls down my cheek, "They could be doing anything to him. Please, let me go." I begged with tear-filled eyes.


"Chris, we need a plan. I know you're worried, but think this through." Minho states and wipes the tear off my cheek.

"And what ever happened to 'Show no emotion. Stay cold?" Changbin asks. "Have you already started feeling for Jeongin?"

"I'm not sure of any of my feelings right now; I'm only wanting to storm into Neo City and get him back. Guys, I'm- I'm scared. What if they hurt him?" I ask, tears burning my eyes as I try to hold them back. My head ached dully from both the tears and from being knocked out.

    "Please, let me go." I begged once more. They ignored me and wordlessly dragged me out of the bathroom.

"They could be doing anything to him, guys." I whispered. "Anything."

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