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    "Fine, fine, let's get on with it." Bang Chan muttered. He wiped his sweaty palms on his thighs and stepped away from Jaehyun.

   "Leave your gun on the couch. You won't need it." Jeongin pushed. Bang Chan sighed but followed suit, placing the gun and holster down.

   "And your brass knuckles and knives. All weaponry goes on the couch, Bang Chan. I won't let you hurt Doyoung. He didn't know any better at the time. He and his boyfriend actually proved quite protective of me the other night." Jeongin spoke. He was shocked at the pile of objects that lay on the couch cushion.

"He said all of it, Bang." Jaehyun sighed. Bang Chan pulled a small taser out of his boot and dropped it in the pile.

"Now we're ready." Jeongin smiled through his turmoil. He lead the four of them upstairs to Doyoung and Taeil's bedroom. Jeongin knocked on the door loud enough to be heard.

"Dodo, it's Jeongin..And a few others. Can we come in?" Jeongin asked through the door. They heard rustling, and a loud thud followed by a groan of pain.

"Yeah, come on." Doyoung spoke as he opened the door. His eyes hardened into a glare as he looked at Bang Chan.

"What's up, kid? Is he causing you trouble?" Doyoung asked. He gently pulled Jeongin closer to himself and gazed over the unfamiliar gang leader.

"Why does everyone assume I'm troubling Jeongin?! I was here to save him from you!" Bang Chan exclaimed. He crossed his arms and sighed.

"But besides that, I want to know why Jeongin has hickies. He said Johnny didn't give them to him, but yet he's in his clothes." Bang Chan exclaimed. His eyes screamed jealousy as they flickered over the fading bruises.

"Well, I mistakenly thought he was another toy. He's really cute so I didn't hold back. I almost lost my position if he didn't stop Taeyong. Jaehyun almost did too." Doyoung calmly explained. He wrapped an arm around Jeongin's thin shoulders to irk Bang Chan.

"Oh, okay." Bang Chan spoke even more calmly than Doyoung. He walked closer to them before he jumped at Doyoung angrily.

"Why on earth would your first instinct be to leave hickeys?" Bang Chan asked as he sat on Doyoung's chest. He held Doyoung's arms high about his head.

"He's attractive, Bang." Doyoung replied. His eyebrows furrowed as he watched Jeongin feebly try to gain Bang Chan's attention.

Jeongin gently pulled Bang Chan's shoulders. He pulled him a few times before his left cheek was struck. Jeongin staggered backwards a few steps out of shock. He held his cheek with his bony hands as he emotionlessly looked into the gang leader's eyes.

"Don't try to explain yourself, Bang Chan. I'm tired of hearing excuses." Jeongin mumbled. He turned towards a fuming second leader.

"Taeyong, will you call my father, please? I think it's about time I took over the family business." Jeongin softly spoke. He shifted his eyes around the room.

"Are you sure, Innie? It's a lot of stress leading a Mafia." Taeyong asked. He held his phone in his hand.

"I don't think I stuttered, Taeyong. Please call my father."

"Jeongin, who's your fa—"

"Jung Taekwoon. I took my mom's last name. You don't get to ask any questions here, dude." Jeongin cut him off. He pulled Bang Chan off of Doyoung with all the strength his underfed body possessed.

"There's no way! I thought Kard killed his son!" Bang Chan exclaimed. His arms ached from how harshly Jeongin yanked him.

     "No, I got out. Scarred and broken, but out nonetheless."

"I want you out of my sight." Jeongin growled. He gently grabbed Doyoung's hands and helped him stand back up.

"Jeongin, they don't have your best interests at heart!" Bang Chan claimed.

"Maybe not, but at least I haven't been hurt knowingly and purposefully by them. Both you and Kard have attacked me." Taeyong and Jaehyun wordlessly watched the scene unfold.

They heard a car door slam from below. Jeongin walked to the bedroom window and saw his father running towards the house.

"Leave, we are done here." Jeongin grabbed the collar of Bang Chan's shirt and dragged him towards the bedroom door.

Jeongin walked downstairs and opened the door for his dad. Taekwoon was a little breathless as the door swung open.

   "I wasn't expecting a call so— Are you hurt? Why is there blood all over you?" Taekwoon gently tried to wipe the dried blood off of Jeongin's cheek.

"Who hit you, Innie?" Taekwoon asked with a kindness Jeongin hadn't heard in almost a decade. He wordlessly pointed up the staircase towards a dismal Bang Chan. Taekwoon rolled up his sleeves.

"I may be in my forties, but I'll take you down, kid! Who do you think you are to hit my son?" Taekwoon exclaimed as the younger male took slow steps down.

"A fool who thought your son was being mistreated by Neo City." Bang Chan spoke and walked past Taekwoon. He slammed the front door closed after her left.

"You've got some strange friends, Innie." Taekwoon laughed. He gently ruffled Jeongin's hair.

"That's beside the point. Like you said earlier, you're in your forties. I want to take over for Vixx." Jeongin explained as they sat at the living room table.

"Jeongin, while I'm glad you want to take over for me, I don't think you're thinking clearly. From the stresses of the past week you're looking for any alternative than going back to normality. Think it through, Innie."

"I have thought it through. I'm ready to lead Vixx."

"Innie, I promised your mom I'd never bring you back into this mess—"

"You aren't. I brought myself into this by befriending Stray Kids and taking up residence with Neo City. I'm ready for this." Jeongin pushed. He could see how hard his dad was thinking the decision through.

"If you truly believe you can lead this better than I can, go for it. I think it's about time us older members retire."

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