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Bang Chan's pov

They say it's lonely at the top, but I've never understood it until now. Sure, I have my gang members, but none of them pique my interest- not romantically, at least. However, now that I found someone, he hates my guts.

With no remorse, he kicked me away, out of his life, three months ago. I still keep an eye on him from afar, just to make sure he's safe.

Though I had my doubts, he makes one hell of a leader. I've never seen a gang rise in ranking as quickly as Vixx has. No gang of newbies have gained a reputation as quickly as they have, even if they are all new members.

As time progressed, I've noticed he's grown harder- more tough. He's relentless, but yet still kind-hearted. He leads with an iron fist, but a gentle heart.

He still hasn't talked to me since the night he shot Sicheng. I've gained most of my information from Taeyong, begrudgingly. We both knew once Jeongin found out, he would flip his lid. That leads us to the events today.

"Tae, I trusted you. I came to you when I was lost, when I was hurting, and when I made mistakes. You knew I didn't want him to know anything I didn't tell him, but you still went behind my back?" Jeongin asked softly. His eyes were stone-cold, but slightly misty. He shook his head with a regretful smile on his rosy lips.

"God, I really am stupid, aren't I? I got close to you, against my best judgement, then find out you're only doing it to tell another leader?" He dryly laughed then raked his hand through his now deep purple hair. He sharply but his bottom lip and raised his left eyebrow.

"Innie, he really—" Jeongin quickly stood up from the wooden kitchen chair, and slammed his hands on the table.

"I don't care what 'he really,' Taeyong. I'm not hurt over him being here, it's over you. You were the first person I trusted since I was a kid, and you blew it." Jeongin scooted the chair away from himself, then slid it back under the kitchen table.

"I've had it to here with my trust being broken. I'm tired of how much hurt I feel each time I wrongly trust someone." He gave a lopsided grin as a single tear fell down his left cheek. He exhaled deeply. I reached out and grabbed his wrist before he could leave.

"Jeongin, it wasn't his fault- I asked him to tell me. I threatened his boyfriend's life, so he had to unless he wanted him shot." I stated. His tense shoulders slacked before they grew rigid once more.

"You threatened to kill Jaehyun? Jung Jaehyun?" Jeongin slowly asked, his voice low. He sent me a cold glare and watched as I shifted under his watch.

"Well, yeah, he doesn't mean much to you anyways." I shrugged my shoulders. He jerked his wrist out of my hand, then grabbed me by my collar. He lifted me up to face him.

"He means a hell of a lot more to me than you do." Jeongin spat then pressed me to a wall. He held me above the ground as he began to speak more.

"He's the one who calms me down from my attacks— Panic, ptsd, all of them. I may not be in love with him, but I do love and care about him." He barked. When I didn't waver under his gaze, he pressed my back harder against the wall.

"What are you gonna do now, kiss me?" I sarcastically asked. He rolled his eyes at me, then released my collar. He swiped the imaginary dust from his hands then turned to face Taeyong.

"Why didn't you tell me he was going to hurt Jaehyunie? Didn't you always tell me to snuff them out first before they could what I love?" He mumbled once he was beside the oldest leader. Taeyong clicked his tongue.

"Well I didn't know if you'd want to take the shot or not. Plus, I knew he'd never go through with it. Bang Chan knows Neo City outnumbers him three to one." Jeongin nodded his head in understanding. He then craned his neck to see me.

"Don't fucking threaten Jaehyun- or any member of Neo City- again. Take this as a warning, or I won't hesitate next time." Jeongin growled. He hovered his hand above the revolver in his side holster. His eyes gleamed with promise.

"Where did you learn to talk like that?" Taeyong asked. He gently sat his hand on Jeongin's shoulder. I felt my stomach turn at the sight.

"I'm an adult, Taeyong, I don't need permission to talk like this. Besides, he could have hurt Jaehyun!" Jeongin exclaimed. Just then, Jaehyun walked into the kitchen after hearing his name.

"Who could have hurt me?" Jaehyun asked. He turned to face me, his eyes scanning me up and down. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Him? Please, look how thin he is! He can't even hold his own in hand-to-hand! I'll be just fine, Innie; don't worry." Jaehyun smiled. He ruffled Jeongin's purple locks; his grin widened as Jeongin tried to protect his hair.

"Jaehyun, stop it. Don't make me choke you!" Jeongin joking squealed as he dodged Jaehyun's hands. Jaehyun laughed as he looked down at him.

"Sure, but can you even reach my neck?" Jaehyun stopped laughing once Jeongin jumped onto him. He stumbled from the sudden weight before tumbling to the floor. Jeongin planted himself on Jaehyun's stomach as he grinned down at the taller male. Jaehyun gently held onto both of Jeongin's thighs.

"Not when you're standing!" He replied then gently tapped Jaehyun's neck. Jaehyun laughed again, a sweet, melodious laugh that sent smiles on both Taeyong and Jeongin's faces. If I hadn't been unconsciously scowling at the sight, I may have smiled too.

"Okay, Innie, get off of my man." Taeyong laughed then hooked his arms under Jeongin's armpits. He picked Jeongin up and sat him on his feet. He gently tapped Jeongin's butt and gave him a small shove.

"Go wash up, I'll start making dinner." Taeyong spoke. Once Jeongin was out of earshot, he turned towards me.

"Don't get your hopes too high, Bang Chan. If Jeongin is to fall for any male, it's most likely Johnny or Sicheng. They both have been really caring towards him, and it honestly shocks me." He spoke. I nodded my head, then left the Neo City mansion.

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