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Third pov

What was the harm in sleeping with Jaehyun? An extremely jealous Johnny, who'd stop at nothing to make Jeongin like him back.

"Jaehyun, have you seen— Jeongin?! Jung Jaehyun, why are you cuddling Jeongin?" Johnny spat, roughly reaching down and pulling Jaehyun away from his crush.

Johnny Seo had realized then and there just how much Jeongin meant to him. After hearing just how harsh Jeongin's past was, he grew to respect the younger male. Jeongin had survived a past worse than any of the gang members in Neo City, yet he still fought for his life.

"We were just sleep—"

  "Uh huh, and you're both shirtless because?" Johnny exclaims. Jaehyun placed his hand over Johnny's mouth.

   "He didn't get to sleep until three this morning, Johnny—"

   "Haha, I knew it. While I was getting rid of his father and going to get his medicines, he was up here screwing you. Great." Johnny sarcastically states and tosses the four bottles of pills towards the bed. He humorlessly laughs to himself as he rakes his fingers through his hair.

   "Johnny, let me speak—"

   "No. You know what? If he wants to be with you, then fine. As long as he's happy." Johnny sighed has his eyes watered.


   "What in hell could you want now?!" Johnny angrily shouts, tears openly flowing down his cheeks. He hastily wiped them away as he turned to face the voice.

   "I'm sorry, never mind." Jeongin whispered in a voice that was weakened from crying for so long. Though it brought pain, his brown eyes welled with tears once again.

   Jeongin grit his teeth and tightly clenched Jaehyun's blanket in his hands. He absolutely hates how weak he has become recently. He always had his walls built high in self preservation, but now they're crumbling before him.

   His heart ached far worse than his eyes and head. Jeongin felt it crack and break as Johnny's harsh voice resonated through his mind.

   "I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I don't know what I've done this time, but I accept the punishment. I'm sorry." Jeongin mutters as he holds his head in his hands. His knees curled up to his chest as he sat in a fetal position.

   "I'm sorry." Jeongin repeats himself countlessly as he softly rocked himself back and forth. His hands landed in his hair as he sharply tugged at the chocolate brown strands. His chest grew tight as he struggled to breathe properly.

   "I'm sorry." He breathlessly spoke as his chest felt like it was caving in. The room was spinning. His hands were unstable. They slowly became numb. His lips tingled. His throat became dry.

   "Please, forgive me.. please forgive me for my mistakes. I-I didn't mean to." He gasped for breath, though he knew it was futile. His hands clawed their way at his throat and chest. Red marks formed.

   Jeongin couldn't feel the pain any longer. He gripped his head. He couldn't breathe. He couldn't think. He didn't feel the worried pair of arms that encircled his waist, until he felt suffocated by them.

   "Johnny, let him go! You're making him worse! Johnny!" Jaehyun exclaimed, though his voice sounded underwater to Jeongin.

   "He's having a panic attack you idiot! You don't even know how he reacts to a touch as he has one, yet you still thought it was smart to grab hold of him?!" Jaehyun shouts as he pulls Johnny back.

   "He's still now!" Johnny points. Jaehyun could feel his heart drop to his feet.

   "Johnny Seo you're an idiot!" Jaehyun screams and fumbles with the bottle of pills. His hands shakily opens a bottle of capsuled anxiety reducers.

   "Ugh it'll take too long for the capsule to dissolve!" Jaehyun stutters and splits open the capsule into Jeongin's mouth. He forces the boy to sit up and drink water to wash the yellow powder down. Jeongin slowly falls asleep on the bed once Jaehyun laid him back down.

  "Johnny Suh, get out." Jaehyun barked. He stands up from the bed and pulls the taller male out of the bedroom.

   "Do you not know how incredibly dangerous that was? You could have killed him, Johnny! And what for, your stupid jealousy?!" Taeyong shouts coldly once he heard what happened. He clicks his tongue.

   "I'm not sorry, Johnny, but we have to send Jeongin back, or keep you away from him for a while. You incidentally caused this attack, thus he will correlate you with that fear for quite a while to come." Taeyong sighed and rakes his fingers through his hair.

  "What? No! Taeyong, I.."

   "You love him, John. And now we both know just how one sided that is." Taeyong spoke, pulling Johnny and Jaehyun into the bathroom, showcasing the black rose petals in the bin.

   "I have told you guys time and time again, 'Don't fall in love.' It only leaves you cold in the end." Taeyong spat.

   "You have one week to get that removed, or you can leave Neo City and let it kill you. Johnny, please get it removed. I know you think he'll love you back, but it won't be in time to save your life. Make your choice." Taeyong emotionlessly explains. He sighed and stood up from the kitchen chair he was sat in.

   "Johnny? What will you do?" Jaehyun quietly asks the rigid male. He places his hand on Johnny's shoulder comfortingly.

  "He'll love me back. He- he has to. I don't think I can live knowing I removed such strong emotions for Jeongin. I just can't." Johnny brokenly whispered back. His eyes gazed down to the blood coated petals.

   "Johnny, you know how dangerous Hanahaki is. Remember Yuta and I? It's been three years but I still  can't forgive myself for not noticing how Yuta was struggling. I may wear fake smiles and laughs today, but at night his last words still haunt me. If you get it removed, at least you and Jeongin can still be friends." Sicheng spoke. He bit his lip as he remembered the beautiful smile his lover had.

  "But, we're different, Sicheng. Jeongin will love me back, I know he will." Johnny pressed.

   "If I have to watch another person I care about die from this stupid Hanahaki disease, I will actually go insane." Sicheng says and turns to Jaehyun.

  "Johnny, if Jeongin loved you back the disease wouldn't have set in. It wouldn't have even formed in the first place! Be smart about this, Johnny, please!" Sicheng tearfully begged.

  "I know we'll be different. I will live through Hanahaki, and have Jeongin by my side." Johnny firmly states as he exited the cramoed bathroom.

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