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Third pov

Jeongin's body limply dropped to the ground. His grip on Yeosang faltered as he became unconscious. Jaehyun jumped up from his chair and cradled Jeongin in his arms. Johnny and Sicheng grabbed Mingi and Yeosang, respectfully. They held a tight grip on their fellow member, guns aimed at their heads.

"Jaehyun, get him out of here!" Sicheng yelled. He never took his eyes off of Yeosang. Yeosang could feel the cold metal press hard against his temple. Mingi, scared for his life, immediately submitted and dropped his weapons.

"Mingi, you idiot! You know you aren't supposed to give up! I count on your help!" Yeosang exclaimed. He thrashed around in Sicheng's hold for a while. Sicheng rolled his eyes and pushed a pressure point in Yeosang's neck to make him unconscious.

"Now, onto you seven. What are you doing here?" Johnny asked. He stayed wary of Mingi all the while.

"We're here for the one who—"

"I want Jeongin back." Bang Chan cut a masked male off. He had removed his mask as he spoke. He took cautious steps towards the unconscious male, still being protected by Jaehyun.

Jaehyun pulled his gun from his waistband and cocked it. He aimed the barrel at the younger male walking to him.

"No one else touches Jeongin." A groggy Jeongin mumbled as he leaned more into Jaehyun's side. He sighed in content. He then realized what had happen and jumped up quickly.

"Why would you—" He got dizzy and dropped to his knees. Jaehyun quickly pulled Jeongin onto his lap and held him close.

"Easy, Innie, easy. He won't leave while you talk. Get your senses back, then you can tell him off." Jaehyun mumbled in his ear. Jaehyun placed a chaste kiss to Jeongin's hair, like a father would. Jeongin leaned his head back on Jaehyun's shoulder, his eyes closed.

Bang Chan had his first clenched in jealousy. His eyes were ablaze with the emotion as he watched his crush be so close with another male.

"Why would you blow up my base to ask me out? I worked so, so hard to get this place built. Then, you get with two of my members to explode our base? What. The. Fuck." Jeongin cursed. He sighed heavily and remained in Jaehyun's lap.

"I just—"

"Don't bother trying to defend yourself, Chan. You went through all of this trouble, so you must really like me, huh? Fine. One date to prove yourself. If I don't like what I see, you never pull this shit again, understood?" Jeongin barked. Bang Chan happily nodded his head with a bright smile.

"You nine aren't off the hook just yet. I want my bunker fixed, as soon as possible. We were in the middle of a meeting. Chan, you will pay for the hospital bills of my badly wounded members Hongjoong, San, and Wooyoung." Jeongin began again, his voice stony.

  "What you did, Bang Chan, was highly immature. You could have just knocked on the door and handed me flowers or something. You didn't have to explode my conference room and hurt my members! If it were flipped, you'd kill me!" Jeongin exclaimed.

"I know now it was immature. I'm sorry, Innie." Bang Chan apologized to the younger. Jeongin rolled his eyes.

"Don't call me "Innie," you don't have a right to. I accept your apology, but it doesn't fix my destroyed room and injured boys. Call an ambulance!" Jeongin spoke and dizzily stumbled towards San, who was injured worst.

"Sannie, wake up." Jeongin gently shook the prior's shoulders. When San didn't wake up, he moved to Wooyoung.

"Woo, wake up. Please." His eyes started to grow misty. Wooyoung was unresponsive. Small tears dropped from his eyes as he moved to Hongjoong.

"Joong, please." Jeongin gently shook his arm. Hongjoong coughed up blood into his hand. He took his clean hand and ruffled Jeongin's hair.

"I'll be okay, Innie. I've had worse. Now, for the bastard that," Hongjoong wavered as he stood up. "Exploded our room." He dropped to the floor unconscious. Jeongin ran to his friend and caught him before he fell.

"If any of these three die, I'll kill you that same day." Jeongin promised. Sicheng noticed how tense the younger male was and stepped behind the pair. Jeongin felt the presence of the older Chinese male behind him. He laid his head back on Sicheng's legs, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Jeongin, I've played good guy long enough. I will have you, you will be mine. I hate waiting for things that are mine." Bang Chan growled, his eyes dark with want. Johnny and Jaehyun both came closer to Jeongin to protect him.

"He isn't yours, Chan. He is his own person, he isn't anyone's toy or item to have. If he wants to be with you, he will be. But, and that is a big but, what if he were to pick one of us? He's around us every day, isn't he bound to like one of us first?" Johnny points out as he holds Jeongin's hand in his. Jeongin moved himself to hide behind Johnny and Jaehyun's legs.

"I don't think I would be able to handle that.—"

"Then try to change it, dummy! Be sweet enough to make me love you, but don't get hurt if it's not you I love. I can't help who I love." Jeongin cried, his head buried in the back of Jaehyun's pants legs as he cried. His hands weakly gripped the cloth. He felt remorseful that he couldn't see the explosion coming.

"Why am I so stupid?" Jeongin wailed, sobbed wracking his body. Jaehyun turned around and kneeled in front of the crying male. He brought Jeongin into his arms and let him cry.

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