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No one's pov

"Jeongin, wake up; we're here!" Johnny gently shook the deeply sleeping college student. Johnny repeated himself and shook him ever-so-slightly harder to no avail.

College is mentally exhausting to poor Jeongin. He studies for so long, much longer than he probably needed to, which caused him to get little sleep. He pushed through life by drinking as much caffeine as he possibly could.

"Just pick him up— he can't weigh very much. He's so thin, it can't be healthy!" Taeyong quietly exclaims to the taller male.

Johnny hesitantly nodded before carefully lifting Jeongin—who was still gripping tightly to his blanket— into his arms. Once he made sure he wouldn't drop Jeongin, Johnny began to carry him into their base.

The Neo City headquarters was a larger than usual, cream colored, three story house. Taeyong made sure the house would have enough room for his crew and their 'toys' alike.

"Where do I take him, Taeyong? I'm not too sure we should put him around your... toys.. as you call them. He wouldn't make it very long with them!" Johnny spoke as he held Jeongin closer to his chest.

"You're right, Johnny." Taeyong muttered in thought. "Why don't you just take him to your room? You certainly have the room for him."

"But wouldn't that make Jeongin uncomfortable? We did kidnap him and all..." Johnny trailed off.

"Johnny, he has already slept beside you. Not to mention he used your arm as a pillow for two hours straight. Don't think I didn't see you two back there." Taeyong squinted his eyes and teased the taller.

Johnny's cheeks flushed a rosy color as he stuttered to explain himself.

"Don't bother, Johnny. Sleeping with each other builds trust; the kind of trust a healthy relationship desperately needs. Don't break his heart, though, Johnny."

"Wouldn't even dream about it." Johnny replied as he carried Jeongin up the stairs to the top floor. Johnny stepped to his bed and carefully lowered the sleeping younger onto the soft surface. Well, he tried to lower Jeongin, but Jeongin wouldn't let Johnny go.

Johnny tried to gently pry Jeongin's arms from around his neck, but the younger's grip wouldn't budge. Johnny sighed quietly, his heart raced and his cheeks darkened.

"Don't leave me, too." Jeongin sleepily whines and buries his face in Johnny's neck.

Johnny felt his heart break hearing how sad Jeongin sounded. Johnny began to wonder who had left such a sweet boy that caused such an impact. Johnny swore then and there to find who had hurt Jeongin so deeply and punish them greatly.

Johnny, and essentially Jeongin, got into the bed and under the blankets. Johnny let Jeongin remain as he was, his eyes wide as he held Jeongin close. Johnny finally relaxed after a few minutes and succumbed to sleep himself.

After half an hour of peaceful sleep, Jeongin began to stir.

Jeongin's pov

Has my bed always been this firm and warm?

My eyebrows furrowed and I tried to sit up. Key word: tried. Something was holding me to the bed, or rather someone. My eyes snapped open and I tried a little harder to get free of his grasp.

    Who is he? Where am I? I gave up fighting and put my head back onto his chest.

    I remember now— I went with Neo City to their house. I'm in bed with Johnny because I fell asleep on him in the car!

   I began to calm down from my fright as I focused on how warm the bed was; how slow Johnny's chest rose and fell with me resting on it.

   I was interrupted from my thoughts as an unknown male quickly slammed open the bedroom door. He was slightly smaller than Johnny and had strawberry blonde hair.

   "Johnny, where's my—" the man paused as his eyes scanned me over. "What are you doing in here? Toys are meant to stay on the second floor together. Come on, don't make me drag you back." He sighed and walked closer to me.

   "Don't touch me!" I shouted, hoping Johnny would wake up and stop this. The man's calm demeanor changed transformed to anger.

    "Playthings don't get to talk back, let alone scream. Let's go before I trash you myself." He growled and hooked his arms under my armpits. He tried to yank me from Johnny's protective hold but was stopped by an angry Johnny.

   "Jung Jaehyun leave him alone. He isn't a stupid toy you guys can mess around with however you please! Boss said not a single scratch was to graze his skin, but look what you've done to him! Get out, now, before you're the one trashed." Johnny barked.

    Johnny sat up with me in his lap and hugged me to him. I hadn't even noticed the few tears that fell from my eyes until he gently wiped them away.

   "Jeongin, he isn't worth your tears, please calm down." Johnny whispered and looked into my eyes worriedly. I began to feel safe in his arms. He smiled a little, "You've got bed head." He laughed and tried to fix my messy hair.

Chris' pov

My breathing was ragged as I allowed them to take me back to our base. I had been holding back as much as I could but I wasn't strong enough this time.

More silent tears cascade down my cheeks as I sit down to plot a rescue plan. I knew off the bat I'd need weapons; Neo City is a ruthless gang.

   I wipe my tears and slap myself. "No more tears, get him back." I muttered to myself. I felt my emotions glaze over until they seemed nonexistent.

    "What will we do, Chris?" Hyunjin asked from across the table. He had his hands linked on the table surface. His forehead creased slightly as he waited for a reply.

   "As much as I hate to, we have to leave Jeongin there for a few days until we and Neo City come to an agreement." I sighed and ran a hand down my face.

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