New Project

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Anyone else really wanna watch the new Charlie's Angels?


Qibli found himself wandering around the school halls for a good ten minutes that morning. His evil mother had for some reason thought it would be funny to change all the clocks and alarms in the house and make them a half hour ahead. Qibli of course had checked his phone a few times, but decided not to trust it cause all the alarms in the house couldn't have the wrong time.



His mother came downstairs and laughed at his confused questions and remarks. Then she explained how she felt like confuzzling him in the morning before school. April Fool's was one of her favorite days or the year, and Qibli had wisely decided to run away every April 1st and come back on the second.

But apparently his mom couldn't wait another five months for the day to come. Out of annoyance, Qibli had decided to leave early and get as much space between him and Thorn as possible.

ANYWAYS, he got to school half an hour early and decided to wander the halls until one of his friends showed up.

As he passed by the music room, he could've sworn he heard mumbling. He stopped in his tracks and listened. Nothing. He was about to walk away again when he heard the obnoxiously loud squeaking sound saxophones made when the player was just learning how to play.

The person played an extremely crooked note. Then another. Then a few more shaky, off-key ones before squeaking again, louder than the first time. When Qibli finally decided to put his music talent to good use and show the person how to use their instrument, he opened the door just a crack to see who it was. It took a moment, cause her usually flat-ironed hair was curly today.

"Moon?" He said, swinging the door open fully.

Startled, the purple haired teen turned around. "Oh look who finally decided to show up!" She said like she'd been expecting him.

Qibli furrowed his brows in confusion.

Moon smiled "Oh yeah, I was gonna ask you if you could teach me to play this before school--not the whole thing. I mean, just give me a few pointers.--I'm joining the band! Your mom told me she'd make sure you'll be here half an hour before school starts. And you're eleven minutes late."

Oh. That's why she did it.

Qibli absentmindedly ran a hand through his hair (in a way that Moon found unfairly distracting) and sucked in a slow breath. "I think you'll need more that 'just a few pointers.'"

Moon pouted, pretending to be hurt. "But you can help me. Right?" She said, standing up.

Qibli shrugged. "I don't know, I'm not miracle worker."

Moon tried shoving him, but Qibli moved, causing Moon to trip over her foot and collapse against him.

She huffed in defeat. "Come on, I'm not that bad." She said.

Qibli lifted her back to her feet. "Um?... nope, you're pretty bad."

Moon gave him a look. "Can you teach me though?"

Qibli sighed. "Fiiine..." He said, dragging out the word. "Let's see what you've got."

Moon quickly hurried back to her saxophone, playing a few crooked notes. Just when Qibli thought he couldn't stand it any longer, the instrument let out a LOUD squeaking sound. He rushed over to her and grabbed the saxophone.

"OKAY, maybe I just need to teach you the basics before you actually start playing."

Moon shrugged. "Maybe there's just something wrong with it."

Qibli raised a brow and examined the instrument. "It looks fine to me. Mind if I try it?"

Moon shook her head, and Qibli raised the mouth piece to his lips and started playing a jazzy tune, followed by some scales to test out the notes, before handing the saxophone back to Moon. "Nothing wrong with it."

Moon stared at him in amazement. "What instrument do you not play?"

Qibli laughed.


"This project m counts for twenty five per cent of your grade in this class, and ten per cent of your theatre class. If you're in band, this will count for your music grade as well. So, you will put yourselves into groups of six--I can't bring myself to care who you decide to work with. Just hurry up--And you will decide which ones of you will be doing the music parts, the serving as well as the cooking."

"So basically we're trying to recreate a restaurant with music and servants?" A girl called out from the back. She was applying what seemed to be her 57th coat of lipstick to her already pink lips.

"Waiters." Moon mumbled.

The girl fixated Moon with a cold glare. "Excuse me, are you making fun of me?" She asked.

When Moon didn't look like she was going to answer, Summer spoke up for her. "Uh, no. She was just correcting your dumb āss."

"Well new girl, you'd better shut your--"

"Alright, children, settle down!" Mr. Gill called. "And to answer your question Miss. Blaze, yes, that is what we will be doing in this unit. Any other questions?"

"Uh, yeah," said Blaze "What if I—"

"Excellent!" Gill called, cutting her off. "Now hurry up and put yourselves in groups while I speak with your other teachers."

"Oh em gosh! I am So exited for this! Doesn't it sound so much fun? Okay, so who's in charge of what?" Kinkajou said as she, Moon, Qibli, Summer, Winter and Turtle all found a spot in the corner of the class to brainstorm ideas.

"I guess we should all just see what everyone's good at and like... go from there?" Summer said, struggling to find words.

"Oh, as we all know, I just so happen to be pretty good at cooking—" Qibli started.

"Don't even go there." Winter interrupted.

"What do you mean? I'm an awesome cook!" Qibli protested.

"Umm. Let's not forget the time just a few weeks ago actually, when you exploded a cake in Kinkajou's oven." Turtle said.

"Or the time you ran out of sugar so you decided to make cookies with a cup and a half of salt." Kinkajou added.

"Hey, in my defence, they looked exactly the same!" Qibli said. "I didn't think they could taste so different."

"Well, they did." Winter said. "And remember that time you almost burned down my kitchen trying to make a salad?"

"Wait!" Summer called, raising her hands to silence everyone. "How do you manage to burn down a house while cutting vegetables?"

Winter shrugged. "With this guy, anything's possible."

"Come on guys, cut me some slack at least! Those eggs wouldn't boil!" Qibli wined, rather loudly.

"First of all, who puts eggs in a salad? Second, you didn't put any water in the pot you were using and third, when your eggs don't boil, you don't place them directly on the stove."

Qibli was about to argue, but probably realized Winter was right. "Okay, I gotta admit that last one was kinda stupid."

Moon laughed. "Maybe you should just stick with music."


~Maya B. 💝

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